Cloning for Personal Use with Smoke - 100% Effective and Inexpensive


Active Member
Cloning for Personal Use with Smoke - 100% Effective and Inexpensive

Here is how I take up to 100 possible personal clones per month with 100% success.

Here is what you will need:
  1. Rapid Rooters and tray with a high humidity dome
  2. Seedling mat
  3. Clonex
  4. Distilled water
  5. Party cups, potting soil, and perlite
  6. OPTIONAL: Great White / Liquid Karma

I prepare my rapid rooters by soaking them in tap water with a bit of Great White and Liquid Karma.
This isn't necessary, but I have great success in doing so. It is important to soak your plugs prior to taking the cut.

I'm not going to explain how to take the cutting and dip it in to clonex any further than take the cutting and dip it in to clonex.

Initial Note: Take LARGE cuttings for personal use!

Tray set-up:

Keep the humidity at 100% by keeping a small amount of distilled water in the bottom of the tray. Mist once or twice per day, but the seedling mat will take care of most the work. ------ Check the roots in 5 days ------ You will notice a swelling in the main stem near the bottom of the cutting



Hope this helps you all!