Cloning, have I done it right?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if I have cloned correctly. Are they too small? I would like to know as soon as possible to save myself time in the long run.
Thank you. Also, are the bulbs high enough?


Well-Known Member
Looks like the cuttings were just taken. Clones don't need as much light but the plastic dome you have cuts down on the penetration so you may end up ok. The moisture inside will help a lot and lastly watch those temps. If they go any higher you may fry them.


Well-Known Member
in my opinion. you can cut clones any size, just take longer to grow, but in a pinch can make 1 plant into a hundred plants no problem. your set up looks great. temps I like my clones hot 80ish to 85 to get the roots started, lot of people place them onto heat matts as well