Cloning Help


Well-Known Member
Hey guys

this is my weakest part of growing.

i finally got roots but plants got to hot and died :cry:

and i was cloning in rockwool cubes and they rooted but the roots didnt come out the bottom. but when they died i broke open the rock wool to find roots.


2ft 2 bulb(18w each) floros

rockwool cubes

propagation dome.

heres my questions

do i spray the clones leaves or the lid when watering?

when rooted do i plant em in the rockwool or brake open the rockwool and plant em without it?

any suggestions. any help so i can be a successful cloner??:mrgreen:

Help me please


Active Member
Forget all that.

Use water cloning explained in the FAQ.

All you need is water and 2 weeks. I had 100% success rate.

Low light is required for this method, so no burning. I put a 16 watt 5500k CFL over 4 clones. Sprayed them with distilled water twice a day and waited. About 7 days in roots started to show. 9 days in I put them in soil. 12 days in they started to come around. Done.

The one thing I did different from the author is the light. He used indirect sunlight from a window sill. That wasn't and option for me. I put my clones in a black container. Filled it with water and put a top over it. I then put holes in the top and put the plants down in. This way the light would stay off the roots. Make sure the holes are big enough to support the plant, but also pull the roots back out. They break really easy!

My plants started to yellow up, so I sprayed them with a molasses/water combo once a day. That took care of it.


Well-Known Member
I had a few problems cloning but i got over it by buying a root riot propogation kit it has cubes a knife clonex and a spray to use on your clones and mine worked great,i just followed the instructions and had my clones in a propogator on my boiler and they all took :blsmoke:

Hope this helps Bifter :joint:

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
Hi,, one thing i found with growing the weed, Simple is best..especially with the clones the lil

Clones are only as good as mum..keep mum happy kids are happy..

I do my clones in rockwool as im a hydro man..had a good read up of the endless info online and have perfected a 100 percent method..It works for me.( i say 100 percent i did kill a tray of 60 once but thats another tale).

Soak your inch cubes and your 3 inch cubes in PH 5.2-5.5 with 1/2 a mil per litre of veg feed at the same time overnight 3-4 days before u need day empty the water out of the not squeeze the cubes yet....then soak all the cubes in a PH 6.5 for a couple of hours...then get them out and then give them a good squeeze..

Let the cubes dry for a few days they want to be damp but never wet...

Have your lil ladies off the mother straight into water cut them under water into the cloning gel NOT POWDER and straight in to your 1 inch cube..tip a little gel down the hole for good measure...

The strength of the light isnt really important as your not growing your plants your growing your roots...keep them under a dome and keep it 100% moist all the time if poss but do not spray the clones spray the lid of the dome...bit of a catch 22 as you dont want to let them dry out but they need to breath ,at first through their leaves ,so if you spray the leaves they cant breath so you in effect drown them so dont because they will die overnight.
keep the humidity up so there cheerful just think of it as if it were you sitting in there...pop the lid open a few times a day for a few minutes to give them some fresh air if the cubes should dry completely and i mean bone dry get some PH 6 - 6.5 water with about 1/2 mil a litre of veg feed and dip the cube in it 1 time about half way up....if you wet the cubes too much at any time the roots will just sit there and the plant will drown if the roots have water they will stop searching for it if they stop searching fot it they will die..if the leaves start to turn a bit yellow and dry up a bit thats a good sign as it means the roots (yee ha) are feeding off the plant to will see some new growth coming through to replace it..happy days.

As soon as you see a root pop it into a now fairly dry 3 inch cube put them under the light( i use a 200 watt cfl works a dream) and i reckon you will see roots in 1-3 days...

Thats about it dont forget as your mother gets a little older the clones will take a little longer to root not a prob its the end result that matters and if you chose well all will be good......

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
snewp... No...the temp swing is too much and you'll play hell keeping any sort of humidity around the plant long enough to see roots.

And regular soil is too dense for cloning in. Use perlite/vermiculite mix, rapid rooter plugs, rockwool...etc. but not regular soil...

Cali-high...did you get your question answered sufficiently?

bt dt


Well-Known Member
I wish I could find the reason why you need to keep clones under low light. What happens if you put them on the perimeter of your HID light? Like 4 or 5 feet off to the side of the light area.

And is a heatmat/humidity dome mandatory?

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member

Light = heat. Too much heat will kill the clones as they have no way to uptake moisture w/o roots. This is my understanding of it all anyway...

You can use HID...just as you to the side. I root my clones in my latter veg room that is lit by a 600 watt MH conversion lamp. Temps are about 70-75 in there all the time...and I just sit the tray on the floor and wait a week and BAM. I've also used my t-5s/floros...again..keeping them off to the side a bit and not directly under the light. They could take the floros more than likely..but it seems unnecessary to push the limits on this particular process.

I use a dome until I see roots. I take it off daily and let the clones get some fresh air...and if hte dome isn't wet w/humidity I mist the DOME and then put it back on. I never mist my clones.

I only use a heat mat in Winter....and then I place towels in between the mat and the tray in layers until I get a WARM bot not HOT temp. I think most folks FRY their clones on mats..and the higher temps breed fungus quicker (IMO) than a medium temperature does.

good luck

bt dt


Active Member
I find that plants are more sensitive to stronger light sources when cloned or sprouted. It also makes no difference in the time it takes the plant to come around, or how much it grows. So basically its just a waste of energy, producer of heat, and might hurt your little ones.

Buy 5500K 14 watt CFL's and some kind of fixture. Put the light a foot over your clones. Set it, and forget it. I have a CFL light bar that I use for my moms, and clones. 5500K really makes the little clones grow.