Cloning Question


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have a quick question about cloning.

I just recently found a new dispensary that sells some of the healthiest clones of the most reputable strains. There is but one problem: they are started in organic soil and I am trying to go hydro. I don't want to do organic hydro, which brings me to my next question:

If I were to cut the clone from the soil, and try and re-root it in some rockwool, would it work? Or would I just be murdering the clones?


Well-Known Member
If I were to cut the clone from the soil, and try and re-root it in some rockwool, would it work? Or would I just be murdering the clones?
I guess it depends how big the clones are when you get them. You might be able to do it to very small clones but if there large no way. You may be better off buying one or two clones and then just take some fresh cuts off them.