cloning trouble, i need help


Well-Known Member
so this year is my first grow im doing well now, but it started out a shitstorm. i took 25 clones off 4 different mother strains. i cut with a new razor blade, dipped in gel, and stuck them in peat pucks. they went under a household flourescent bulb. they werent in a dome because a couldnt exchange air as often as they needed, i tried a dome first with a few but the pucks just molded. a month or so later i got 5 rooted clones. the pucks were moist all the time, and the foliage misted. does anybody know why it took so long too root. and why on earth only 5 of 25 rooted? i would really like to be more successful next season :p
please help. :s


Well-Known Member
a friend of mine said i should poke a hole in the puck first so im not rubbing off the gel. i just push the cuttings in. could that be it? anyone? :S