Cloning wasn't a consideration but...Can I?


It's my first grow . Took a couple months to get everything together. Ladies are three and a half wks. Very nice and full for their age.

Can I take a clone or two in a few days at the 4 week mark?

I now that this is earlier than is recommended, but I want to know, can I do it successfully?

Where should I take the cuttings from, can I use the stem and leaf at the second node (3in stem and 1 large leaf). Or the third node(2in stem and a set of 2leaves)



Let me elaborate. So I have two ladies one auto AKR and one lib haze photo. Both are getting LST currently and will also be scrogged starting in 1-2 weeks from now. I'm following LBH's 4-way LST and ScROG tutorials.
I anticipate thr the AKR will take 9-10 (5-6 weeks left) weeks to finish completely. I'm guessing that the LH will take closer to 18 weeks (14 weeks left). Since I will be pulling the AKR out in about 5 weeks I'll have some extra space to work with under the scrog screen. To take full advantage of this space I'll have in 5 weeks I'd like to take two clones off of the LH. I was thinking that I would probably have to start the clones soon since I know they typically take 2weeks just to root.

So I'd like to take clones now. Keep them in cups or two liter soda bottles, inside the box with the AKR and LH. That would give them enough time to root (2 weeks) + another 2-3 weeks to veg. Then I'd harvest the AKR and situate the clones under the scrog screen in place of the AKR. Then flip to 12/12 and flower the LH and two LH clones.

I know it's not ideal but is it feasible? And will it produce more than I would have yeilded without cloning?


Well-Known Member
That's kinda of what I'm doing right now actually. I have an auto that I've got under 20/4 and 2 "mothers" and 3 clones (so far) in the same closet. After the auto finishes I will switch the closet over to 12/12 and move the mothers out to a veg area.

So yeah, you can do it. Or you could just veg the LH longer. If you plan on setting up a veg area, I would take a clone, otherwise it would probably just be best to let the other one veg. If you take clones and then flower the mother and the clones at the same time, they won't be any bigger than if you just let the "mother" veg for longer.

If that makes sense (i'm high).