looks like a pain in the assHahaha.. well, I am still thinking about it, I think there is a way to make it work.
It's no big deal, I can get the screen back on pretty easily. And I like the idea of reducing the footprint for the herijuana and getting more width out of the tall girls.
It definitely IS packed. hahaha. But I don't want to sacrifice anything if I don't have to...
what are you talking about?Yes I just the Jello pudding worked
Naw, I was late, the flip didn't happen til about 12-7, and they didn't start showing much for another week.did you start 12/12 on 12-1?
He's talking about the jello pudding of course! Sheesh some ppl lolwhat are you talking about?
Merry Christmas to u bro!Hey guys, just wanted to say Merry Christmas to those who are celebratin'. Doin' that family thang... realized I forgot to elevate my lights... a couple buds will probably be in the fixture when I get home, d'oh. Haha. Oh well. Christmas sacrifice. At least I have 5 g's of oil for my g-pen now--it came in the nick of time, just barely in time for the holidays. Thank God! I'll need it. Already had one near-calamity, got into a discussion with my sister about school, which quickly turned into a conversation about spirituality... hahaha... oh maaan, sticky pickle.
Merry Christmas guys.
I've grown the cough,NL, the dream, sweet tooth. Not sure about the others. You will like that cheese bro and the raspberry.Santa done good by me...
Raspberry Cough 10pk, feminized (Cambodian Landrace x Ice)
Plus a buncha freebies:
1 sleestack x skunk 1
1 Northern Lights x Northern Lights
1 Blue Dream x Cheese
1 Auto Sweet Tooth
1 Auto Northern lights x Auto Jack.
i can smell her from here, she is a BEAST! size reference..... is alway nice
Haha ya bro she is so fucking stinky, and I know I was looking everywhere for something to reference her size to but I couldn't find anything when I snapped the pic lol.i can smell her from here, she is a BEAST! size reference..... is alway nicei usualy use a nute bottle or something.
Here poly enjoy this. Use this as a reference. Half my head loli can smell her from here, she is a BEAST! size reference..... is alway nicei usualy use a nute bottle or something.
Looking good bro. Glad to hear you had a good xmas. Santa was really good to me this year.Lookin great there giggles. Doing pretty well, the holidays went surprisingly well, only one major sibling conflict and one horribly drunk and beligerant high school friend encounter, haha.
Getting real excited as I can see some serious bud formation packing on.
Here's what I've uploaded so far, taking a break halfway through watering and training plants, for more vapor hits, lol. Thought I'd throw up the pics for 1-3.
These are of one of the Jackberries (phenomenal looking) as well as herijuana (really not great looking yet, but also seems to run a stage behind developmentally), and finally the anesthetic, which is starting to bulk up a little as well. Not as impressive as the jackberry, but still nice. I tied down her two biggest shoots mid-photo shoot to even out the canopy. Now the whole left side is at the same height. Going to see if I can get the other side down to match.
Here's the Jackberry:
Family shots "before":
Here's the left side after a couple tie downs on the anesthetic, pretty flat overall:
Now to tame the larger jungle on Side B...
More to come after the other side's canopy is equalized and whatnot...