Closet grow #666

La Brigada

Well-Known Member
no one else? damn im over here drooling over my buds no one else is...i guess my camera does sucks..and my roommate left too :/

La Brigada

Well-Known Member
word i feel that, you get out what u put doesnt really seem ill be getting much help anyway since theres only about 2 weeks left..and most of the people in this site seem to be seeking help anyway rather than being experienced growers willing to help...ive just been doing reading on my own


Weed Modifier
also i got the scope, its looking like 90 percent cloudy,10 clear..time for flush right?
I like to wait til i see a couple of amber, then you know its time to chop, good that you got a scope to see them... flush during final week with just ph'd water. so if you got 2 left then flush final week.

here's a few pics with the scope....1st attempt at pics, I just put the camera up to scope and click ;)


La Brigada

Well-Known Member not sure when its supposed to end because the strain is just some crazy d that my friend grew..nothing bought in any fancy dispensary or anything
so im a little worried as to when to start flushing..i dont want to start to early and prive her of nutrients during the most important part of her life
right now were at day 45 of flowering (thats first pistil, not when i flipped 12 12) seing a few amber stems in the trichs but it seems to be mostly clear or cloudy
i cant really tell, im not used to this scope haha..i see everything just like in your pictures (maybe i should cut down on the piff huh?) haha going to be updating in a couple of minutes with some pictures, so you guys can help me out
oh a friend helped my out and told me it was a mg def..but i dont have any type of dolomite or epsom salts so i guess ill just ignore it..
next go will def be much better..i hope


Weed Modifier
Dammit they cut me off again!:cuss: ...was going to rep you...but I'll be back when I can give rep again. :)

La Brigada

Well-Known Member
thank you guys..i actually just ran over to the gas station in the corner and got a pack of epson salts for 1.75$ i guess well see if the problem disappears tomorrow...shes getting fed tonight with just water, molasses and epson


Weed Modifier
Dammit they cut me off again!:cuss: ...was going to rep you...but I'll be back when I can give rep again. :)
Gotcha....;) +rep... wow ... I must be a rep whore they cut me off Again! wtf...haha only let me rep one person? I need a better pimp!

La Brigada

Well-Known Member
haha thanks man!!
yeah i just smoked a blunt w ma gurl and i was looking at her trichromes thru a new scope i got 60x...and noticed little black bugs on her
now i know why the spottyness...spidermites! i dont know if i should even freak out about it seeing as its almost 2 weeks or less from harvest...i wouldnt want to foliar spray any nasty chemicals to kill them..damn i dont know what to do


Weed Modifier
haha thanks man!!
yeah i just smoked a blunt w ma gurl and i was looking at her trichromes thru a new scope i got 60x...and noticed little black bugs on her
now i know why the spottyness...spidermites! i dont know if i should even freak out about it seeing as its almost 2 weeks or less from harvest...i wouldnt want to foliar spray any nasty chemicals to kill them..damn i dont know what to do
Farm Fox Don't Bug Me- can be used right up til harvest...and it is not harmful to plants, animals, and environment ;);_ylu=X3oDMTE1MTZtaHFuBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA01TWTAwMl8xNjk-/SIG=12jjrrnrb/EXP=1324044332/**;_ylu=X3oDMTE1MTZtaHFuBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA01TWTAwMl8xNjk-/SIG=12jjrrnrb/EXP=1324044332/**http%3a//