Closet Grow (First Attempt at Growing)


Well-Known Member
SO if my girls produce some seed does that mean that they are herms? Can the produce seeds without producing pollen or being pollenated by another male? I am kind of confused. Also can you see seed production early on in flowering........ Like 2 weeks in?


Active Member
no, as long as they don't herm or have any males around they will produce no seeds and put that extra effort into bud and chem production. you say it like you want seed? if you do want some seeds for your next grow save one of your males and put it in a different room and just collect a little pollen from it when it pops its pods then use a q-tip to put some of that pollen on a few lower bud sites and those will go to seeds and the rest will not. that way you uses the junk buds to grow seeds and keep the good ones pure for smoking =)


Well-Known Member
No..... I don't want any seeds. But I have a female that looks like it has a couple little round seeds growing at two nodes. I was wondering if that means it's a herm. Can you have a herm that produces only a couple seeds and no male organ? Or do all herms have both sex organs. Is every bag of weed that has say two seeds in it hermies pot?


Well-Known Member
Here they are almost 2.5 weeks into flowers. I still haven't figured out my yellowing leaves issue. I nuted it up, but a week later, and more are yelow. Maybe I have nute lock or i'm t bound or who knows but I will figure it out or I will kill the plant trying.



Well-Known Member
A glassed in hood would allow you to drop the light down tight on the canopy resulting in a much heavier yield.


Well-Known Member
A glassed in hood would allow you to drop the light down tight on the canopy resulting in a much heavier yield.
Yeah..... But I dont have the extra cash. I think I could possibly build one now that I think of it. Maybe the next grow.

So what do you thunk about transplanting @ 3 week into flower?


Well-Known Member
You can do it but the plants gonna divert energy from flower formation into filling out the new pot.
I've heard they stop growing roots at some point in flower but I've literally dug up outdoor plants 5 weeks into flower,repotted and moved indoors.
After harvesting said plants they had decent rootballs,not as dense as a plant not abused in such a manner but a rootball all the same.


Well-Known Member
Up date.... 5+ weeks in and they are starting to get frosty. 2 hermed out last week and fertilized them so I chopped and my wife is smoking them. She siad they are prety stoney and they were only 4 weeks in. 8 weeks and they should be nice.



Well-Known Member
There's a learning curve that's for sure and I think I did O.K. for my first grow considering. I sprouted them with no knowledge whatsoever and learned as I went. It will be much easier next time around and I hope I wil get my yield better. I give it a 6 out of 10 with ten being the most difficult. What I need to learn is how to have a perpetual w/clones. Then I will be happy. I would love to always have pot ready for my wife and never pay street prices again. I really need to learn my nutes and my soils and sifting through all the bad advice I would say is the hardest thing in this hobbie.


New Member
well done for a first grow should have some nice stuff when its done was wondering have you thought on changing your silvery walls to that white mylar plastic ??? thinking your getting alot of reflecting way the wrinkles are from it could cause you leaf burning even buds ?????