Club 600


Well-Known Member
That's how my last turned out too. It sat in the window overnight like a hot apple pie and in the morning that's what I found. No goo!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
re heat it. scrape your dust into a jam jar or whatever i use tiny jars. put a half inch of water in a pan simmer it with the lid off. it'll go some way to removing any excess butane that might be left over too. dip a bud and bong goes the neighbourhood :lol:


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was guessing it was iso, seems to be the theme around here lol Im really itching to try some bho!!!
and for those that dont know BHO sstand for barack hussein obama duh lol


Well-Known Member
i think that stuff may be a bit too far gone to turn back to oil. seems more like the stuff that collects on the straining material. TTT what did you use to strain?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
bho was a touch dangerous for me and not the cheapest thing it seemed, when i heard DST and Westy talking about it and i saw the prices on ebay i figured why the heck not :)

Used a 75 micron bubblebag.

I'm tits up :)


Well-Known Member
For those who didn't look it up:


*edit: that annoying TV news laugh at the end after the lame joke makes me want to hire Wayne Brady to choke a bitch...


Well-Known Member
Ugg the rain! my veggies took a few inches of water! Another monsoon like rain. The lightning was amazing, like god halfway screwed in a giant cfl lol or walking the red carpet :shock:
I am confident that my veggies should be fine because I put a few inches of mulch at the bottom of each bead, should keep the bottom soil from staying soggy and possibly going anaerobic and getting nasties... I guess, lol im likeing these keif bowls hehe hitting the spot.

Iv been venturing outside the 6 and remember, yet again, why this is the best thread on RIU :clap::clap::clap::leaf:
Round of applause to all of you :clap:
yea,we got hit with some hard shit......aggg 006.jpg.power been out for,feels like forever..
Here here whodat, I just read through a topping and trimming thread fdd started, and omg, the hatred from so called chilled and stoned people goes beyond the call of duty, lol. I saw Gen post in that thread and immediately he got someone on his back extracting the piss out of his post.....and in a way that if you were sitting in a pub, and knowing roughly what Gen looks like, YOU WOULD NOT BE SAYING THAT TO THE GUY!!!! I practise the same ethics in normal life that I would on the internet. People obviously think the internet is like driving a car, you can act like a FUKKIN DICK and get away with it.
lol,thats what i get,straying into,what i knew was going to be a "flame thread".

just getting my power back on,so lil update soon.


Well-Known Member
Well since we were talking about dreams the other day and now we have shite weather.....and also in light of the Noah Ark video. I also had a dream a number of years ago, actually before the Dutch dude on the video. It was about a gigantic wave sweaping over Amsterdam. We lived in a high story at the time on the 8th floor in the West of Amsterdam and in the dream the wave came over the trees of the park we lived in and smashed into our building, crashing through our bedroom window and throwing me across the room. At this point I woke to the window vibrating in the wind and a terrential rain storm that would have made you cry our for Noah. Anyway, back to my Exo Cheese joint....i think, lol.

peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Well this is the frosty DPQ, chopped her today. In the midst of the end of the world:lol:.

And if I turn round from my computer desk this is what I saw today, my girls being bombarded with rain (not that you can see it, but it's there....)

50% of my dinner tonight I grew myself, here's some of it;-)

Peace and sunny skies to all,


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Not a bad show at all DST. That's a rather good looking cucumber, they're not for me though, i'm fussy with salad :p 50% of my dinner tonight is grolsch because it was cheap and a hungover day at work can be justified tomorrow :)