Thanks genuity. Now I have another question. Is a smart phone supposed to make you feel stupid? I finally ventured out of my cave and into the twenty first century and I now have my first smart phone...boy am I feeling dummmmm, dumb. I'm wondering if I'll outlast the learning curve before I kick the bucket.
Anyway I am going to be shameless here and ask if anyone is looking into anything for their garden check out rogue hydroponics in connecticut and no, you don't have to go to their store just their website. To make a long story short their service is excellent. I ordered a bag of exhale last monday, the monday of christmas week and had it thursday and to make things even nicer they threw in some freebies on a twenty five dollar order. I sent them an email letting them know I appreciate they actually kept their word about shipping and to thank them for the freebies. Sooo, if any of you guys purchase anything from them, if you tell them heads up referred you to their site, I get a ten percent store credit for the purchase of your order minus the shipping. He tells me four to five days to reach southern california and five to six to reach the northwestern states like oregon. Check them out if you're shopping for supplies, great shipping and they even answer your emails, promptly.