Club 600


Well-Known Member
Thanks bassman. I'm pretty stoked they all popped.

Worm, smart man. Lower expectations strait off and no one will be disappointed. That was a good video I think, have you seen some of the shit on youtube? Nice big space you got, and big buds to match.


Well-Known Member
Hermi Nut sack. very early in formation.
she hits week 6 tonight.....a nut sack!!!?? what the!? i noticed a few popin up last week, and they seem to dissapear, they are full of whit pistils, should i be picking these off? i got another 2-3 weeks to go before i wanna pick!


Well-Known Member
I thought you were at day 33? I would pick them off, they could open and pollinate the whole plant. And even if they didn't I wouldn't want to be smoking them.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bassman. I'm pretty stoked they all popped.

Worm, smart man. Lower expectations strait off and no one will be disappointed. That was a good video I think, have you seen some of the shit on youtube? Nice big space you got, and big buds to match.
Thanks Jig. some of those videos are pretty funny. 25 minutes of some rambling pothead showing off 1 seedling while in extra shakey cam mode.


Well-Known Member
she hits week 6 tonight.....a nut sack!!!?? what the!? i noticed a few popin up last week, and they seem to dissapear, they are full of whit pistils, should i be picking these off? i got another 2-3 weeks to go before i wanna pick!
Nothing you can do except pick em off and don't miss any. You will have a nice supply of seeds for the summer though. Never had it happen so early myself. Usually around week 8-9.


Well-Known Member
25 minutes of some rambling pothead showing off 1 seedling while in extra shakey cam mode.
So you have watched some of them, lol. Who would have ever guess there was an extra shakey cam mode. And to hear them drone on and on about what they 'know'. It's like each sentence let's you know how much they DON'T know.


Well-Known Member
just called my mentor, he thinks its normal with this strain, he says the pollen will be useless and will not polinate the plant, and not to worry!!!!??? what the, and he has experience believe me, especially with this strain, he says its just trying to polinate itself to reproduce, as to why its swelling soo much, he says i can pick them off if i want, but it will make no difference. useless pollen?? i havent read this anywhere....hmmm gets me shaking a little, but i trust this guy. he said unless i polinated it myself dont worry, but if its producing its own pollen sacks its just a last ditch effort to reproduce, 9/10 it will fail in growing seeds !!! :) i fuckin damn hope so i tell you, shes look too sweeet to worry bout bloody seeds!!!


Well-Known Member
I saw one the other day where the guy was stepping over piles of dirty clothes and garbage to show off his "Laboratory" complete with dog turds and a beer can. He kept touching the plants with his greasy hands and smelling his fingers. It was like Weed Wars meets Hoarders meets Swamp People all wrapped in one.


Well-Known Member
well,with just that one plant,i would not worry bout seeds,idk bout useless/steril spunk,me thinks if you do nothing,you will have a seed bank.


Well-Known Member
I would agree with what your mate is saying if it were later in the cycle. End of week 5 is pretty early for that, if it was the end of week 7 I might not worry, but that's early.

It was like Weed Wars meets Hoarders meets Swamp People all wrapped in one.
This made me laugh so hard I think the neighbors heard!!!!!


Well-Known Member
just called my mentor, he thinks its normal with this strain, he says the pollen will be useless and will not polinate the plant, and not to worry!!!!??? what the, and he has experience believe me, especially with this strain, he says its just trying to polinate itself to reproduce, as to why its swelling soo much, he says i can pick them off if i want, but it will make no difference. useless pollen?? i havent read this anywhere....hmmm gets me shaking a little, but i trust this guy. he said unless i polinated it myself dont worry, but if its producing its own pollen sacks its just a last ditch effort to reproduce, 9/10 it will fail in growing seeds !!! :) i fuckin damn hope so i tell you, shes look too sweeet to worry bout bloody seeds!!!
I don't claim to know all but that sounds shady to me. Been growing over 30 years and that is the first time I have ever heard of sterile pollen.


Well-Known Member
Nice vid, worm!
Healthy, healthy ladies!

I saw one the other day where the guy was stepping over piles of dirty clothes and garbage to show off his "Laboratory" complete with dog turds and a beer can. He kept touching the plants with his greasy hands and smelling his fingers. It was like Weed Wars meets Hoarders meets Swamp People all wrapped in one.
Wait till you get a load of my current schlockfest!!




4min 20sec of cinematic masterfullness so gorgeous it'd make Cecil B. DeMille puke!

The footage just came back from ILM and is edited and in the can awaiting the musical score, of which I am finishing up with the 60sec Intro section, before moving into the rest of the song.

Think: symphotechprogdub... bongsmilie

Now, back to scoring!


Well-Known Member