Club 600


Well-Known Member
kettles boiled. TIME FOR WAKEY BAKEY!!!!! PEACE!
So so jealous. Been fucking 4 days with no herb. There is some in the basement of the house I'm in... but the fucking alarm is set in the house so I can't go down to the ground floor. Grrrrrrr. Hopefully smoking tomorrow.

I should be harvesting at least a couple of my plants by this time next week. Be on the lookout for pics. I pray they are all still alive at home. Been 4 days since they have been checked on.


Well-Known Member
Keeping external extremeties crossed for yer plants lad. 4 days on there own, I'd be kacking myself. We will be jealous of the nice buzz you'll be getting after not chiefing for 4 days.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Bloody weather killed our green house ffs, wind blew it down plants all over the grden when i woke up. The princess is not! happy. Hoping the wind has blown the fairy my way cuz this soaps nasty lol.


Well-Known Member
morning 6ers hows the grows,westy(soap bar?)feel for ya man!
i had a bar of stuff with a H on it it was really good,got you just as wrecked as weed,

mr west

Well-Known Member
morning 6ers hows the grows,westy(soap bar?)feel for ya man!
i had a bar of stuff with a H on it it was really good,got you just as wrecked as weed,
Yeah b4 i started growing soap was my bread and butter and it was genrally pretty good, then they started stepping on it a bit too much. I have 5 plants in my old 400w tent over at my m8s house that are 7 weeks in now so gonna scrump a bit tonite. My 600 has 6 under it at bout 4 weeks in lol, been tempted to scrump off that too. The last week is always the hardest lol.


Well-Known Member
That's not so good, what was the greenhouse made of lad?

And that bloody Jubilee, that's who I would blame, weigh laying the Fairy!!
Bloody weather killed our green house ffs, wind blew it down plants all over the grden when i woke up. The princess is not! happy. Hoping the wind has blown the fairy my way cuz this soaps nasty lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
That's not so good, what was the greenhouse made of lad?

And that bloody Jubilee, that's who I would blame, weigh laying the Fairy!!
It was a cheap plastic walk in green house for 34.99, proving you get what ya pay for lmao


Well-Known Member
Yup, you do indeed. Better get that thing propper tied down that helps after the fact, lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I t was tied down ut the zip broke on the door so it kinda fell apart after that. we've took it down now left the frame up tho.


Well-Known Member
That's a bloody shame westie mate. How gutting. At least you got the other stuff going.

So... about New York. If a person has any kind of social anxiety, or even anxiety of any kind I would NOT suggest spending much time (if any) in Manhattan. However, if you can stand some excitement, chaos, and clutter you have GOT to visit someday. It's seriously unbelievable that the place works. If you told me that there was this tiny island with X amount of people on it, and x amount of big buildings, blah blah... I'd say, no way you can make that work day in and day out. But they fucking do it. And I think I saw just about every kind of person there is in this world walking around. Ok, no quadruple amputees, but did see a double.

And I can't say why, but I seem to like the tattoos people had more in ny than la. curious.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sounds like a real hotchpotch of life in a tiny place. I hate london as it's overcrowded NY sounds like hell lol. one i'd like to see none the less.


Well-Known Member
Oh man. If you don't like London... was talking to the wife about the differences. London is like ordered chaos. People form queues, stand on the right, don't take up 3 seats on the tube. Manhattan is like all out war, with no order... only chaos and noise and stink and crowd and people yelling at you for money, or to buy something, or to go into their shop/ restaurant. But yeah... definitely worth checking out, haha. Plus, peeps don't get routinely shot in the middle of the day in LDN. They just stab people at night.

Hey Don. That was the panama red the plant that took forever to finish?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to go on about my trip everyone. I'm just super duper excited and like sharing with you all cuz youre my peeps. I don't upload this shit to facebook or anything, so this is my outlet.

Question about Weed related issues. I have PM again this round. It has been in check, but the plants are going to have 6 days all alone, then 4 days all alone before I'm home and I'm planning for the worst, them just being absolutely covered in snow white powder (YUK). My question is Supchaka mentioned cervantes or someone dipping their plants in a h2o2 to clear the PM after they cut them down. Has anyone done this or anything similar? What kind of ratio of H2o2 to water do I want to use, and do I do anything else special?

Or do you guys know of other methods to help with the potential situation.

Any help would be cool. I'm going to research it too, but thought I'd ask the crew first.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Oh man. If you don't like London... was talking to the wife about the differences. London is like ordered chaos. People form queues, stand on the right, don't take up 3 seats on the tube. Manhattan is like all out war, with no order... only chaos and noise and stink and crowd and people yelling at you for money, or to buy something, or to go into their shop/ restaurant. But yeah... definitely worth checking out, haha. Plus, peeps don't get routinely shot in the middle of the day in LDN. They just stab people at night.

Hey Don. That was the panama red the plant that took forever to finish?
yeah that's pretty much what i've been told about NY lol.

and yeah it was panama red that went for 6.5 months. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
You've got the patience of a .... um ... whatever it is that has a lot of patience. But you were saying that and the P.K. were the best sativas you've had? I've got a pack of PK from the guys at breedersboutique. Looking forward to growing them out. I don't think I'll run them on my first soil run however... don't want to be killing them accidentally because I'm soil challenged.

EDIT: That's great news Fred. I just broke out my stash here and EWWW. It's like the weed equivalent of the soap bar. Looks like crumpled up dirt and smells like perfume. And I don't mean the weed smells like perfume... I think the people sprayed the shit with perfume before selling it. Fucking brick weed.

Do you guys in europe even get brick weed... or pretty much just hash. It's all about the brick weed here in the states. Nasty shit.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
we get stuff that smells like burnt hair, full of pips, we call it bush, i believe the dutch have a phrase for it, monkey matting lol. i've once seen thai brick which was mostly stalk but that was going back a good few years.

The psycho killer is indeed fine smoke, the lemon pheno is my favourite but the foisty pheno has that couch coma as an added kick in the balls.

and yeah 6.5 months was a loong wait but the smoke was worth it for sure. thankfully it yielded well.