Club 600


Well-Known Member
Doob in fine form this early morn. Good to see you having some fun bro.

HS. I'm going to run Super soil and teas for the first time this run! Can't wait! Just got to get my ass in gear and start things growing. Think I'll run clones the first time to make thing easier. I might be coming to you for advice... be ready.


Well-Known Member
Morning, jig :-)

Hope you & Mrs. J are rested up a bit and recovered from the lag of the jets.

Looking forward to seeing your new grow as it progresses!
Last night I took some MTF & JDB Romulan clippings (only six in total), and also dropped 13 Extrema seeds into a cup of water to germinate.
Took me long enough to finish my closet space and get my little veg area above my computer desk set up, but the ball is rolling.
Been out of herb for a few weeks now, and it's been rough.
I try to take my meds shortly before going to sleep so I can try to sleep through the worst of it, but I usually can't fall asleep for a few hours, and it hits pretty hard after about 10-minutes.
Nasty stuff.
Haven't puked yet, so that's good, as I hate the thought of wasting the meds and having to take a second dose. Came close a number of times, but I manage to keep it down.
Been up all night surfing the tube and watching vids, and playing my bass.
Strained the first knuckle of the ring-finger of my left hand a few weeks ago and had to temporarily switch to 1-2-4 fingering to let it heal.
The last few days I've been testing it to see how it's doing, and it's got another week to go, I figure, but I can use it if I'm careful about it.
Finished up yesterday's playing "2112" and that 21-minutes just flew by.
Felt like only 5-minutes of playing.
Having to let my finger heal up has "forced" me to do take it easy, so I dove back into experimenting with different sounds & settings on the GT-10B and had some fun while learning some new things about it, so it was time well spent.

Seed pR0n:


Clone pR0n:
MTF & JDB Romluan clippings (pics taken right after cutting & planting, so they're droopy-ish):




Well-Known Member
Sucks about the supply doob. Glad your getting back to playing, must have been hard to sit on the sidelines. Can't say jet lag is gone as I get tired at 6pm and no matter what I'm up at 4:30am. But it's nice, I really enjoy early mornings. The most magical part of the day is before the sun comes up. I love the look and the sound of the earth as it is getting ready to wake up and unleash life upon the day.

I've been spending my morning reading about iceland. Damn that place is wild. I feel as though I've met my long lost best friend or soul mate.

Just had a thought. I should probably pop beans about the same time I start growing some clones. Then they will be ready for the grow after that. Hmmmm. One thing at a time I guess.

Uh oh, wifes alarm is going off. There goes my quiet morning lol.

EDIT: Nice scrog gorbzz. Good to see you around mate.

And morning to you HS. Never too early for a j of afgooey.


Well-Known Member
Mornings are great :-)

You ever hear about that savant guy who learned Icelandic in like 10 days?
(*was only a WEEK!)
Wild shtuff:



Well-Known Member
Nice 209. Been wondering where you were at. Coming through with my plan for the morning. I'm gonna get fucked up and watch Friday. Hell yeah. Can hardly fucking contain myself right now lol.

That's crazy doob. Icelandic is tough.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Nice 209. Been wondering where you were at. Coming through with my plan for the morning. I'm gonna get fucked up and watch Friday. Hell yeah. Can hardly fucking contain myself right now lol.

That's crazy doob. Icelandic is tough.
Just working, and my daughter is always on the main computer?Need to get here her own computer this year.

Just put 5 clones in half gallon pots today.Got one plant with a bud bigger then a orange! Need to post that.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Don't you have stuff going on outside? How's that looking.

EDIT: Yes you do need to post that!
I'll posted them up.Will just post pics of each plant.

My grow outside is small?I did clones off my plants and gave them to a friend??and his clones are way bigger then my plants????He put them in the ground in June, now there 4 to 3 feet tall and bushy?''fucker!''

My plants where dropping for 2-3 weeks, might of been from the shock?of going in the ground, I don't know, but they are reaching for the sun now, and that's what I want to see!


Well-Known Member
100% germ on ?purp x spacebomb
100% germ on ace of spades
90% germ on Afghani Kush x Joseph OG

and i been working with this extrem tea,to go along with the (whodat)soil mix

^^^its a lil costly,and i know i can make my own,but this stuff splits roots like no other.
i got these clones on plushberry,ima do a side by side,to see just what it really is doing to the plant.



Well-Known Member
I am pumping my plants with Creatine Monohydrate to swell em and buff em up.

Seriously though if I can still grow after I move, I really will switch at least some to organic teas.

I bought a new piece of equipment for the workouts though....a BodySolid lat tower with high and low pulleys. It is almost gym quality and is sooooo smooth and It is rated to 350 lbs, so I think Ill be fine and not outgrow it.
I got hurt using a generic Weider one b4. I used too much weight I guess and the weld broke and the top of the lat tower hit me in the chest. I tore my scapula on my right side and it has never actually healed.
I am lifting heavier again and decided to get a real piece to be safe. I have another Weider one right now that I got really cheap. I think they are good to 120-140lbs max. I am dumping off my old combo bench to a friend really cheap to just get rid of it.

I know I shouldnt be worried about weights when I am moving soon, but I NEED it lol.


Well-Known Member
The stuff I am flowering right now isnt getting too big, but the LA Con smells soooo amazing I think it makes up for it. I grew a small one outdoor and the whole outdoor get destroyed by heat and pests, but the LA was still awesome!! I cant wait for the real deal! The Blackwater OG is really nice smoke as well and she is coming along as well. I have 6 plants under my 1000, and they are staggered so they will be done at different times, and I might have to move them and finish flowering wherever I end up......