Club 600


Well-Known Member
@reggaerican I would suspect high water temps could be the main cause. Do you know what temp your water is at? Also, I've never run flood and drain, but I can't imagine that problem coming from not enough water. I think 10min per hour is more than enough. But yeah, I've only ever done dwc so not an expert.
well I checked the rez temp and it was 67 with the lights off for 2 hrs and just now I checked it again and it is 68 with the lights being on for 1.5 hrs will check it again after the lights have been on for 5 of so hrs to see if it gets any warmer...


Active Member

  • [*=1]600 watt ballast, lights, and a 4 x 4 tent :$350. 200+ gallons of distilled water, Nutrients and 3 months time: $400+ and countless hours. Waking up in a crumpled heap covered in bongwater from a bonghit of scissor hash from your 1st crop's trimmings: PRICELESS!!!!! LMFAO!!! bongsmilie:sleep::confused::eyesmoke:
i hate waking up reeking of bongwater....happens more than id like to admit lol


Well-Known Member
Always amazes me how Toke & Troll is allowed to exist here on riu.
I guess it's a convenient place to keep track of those who are gray matter challenged.
Thank FSM for the 600 here, but riu is sliding farther & farther downhill all the time.


Well-Known Member
Thanks peeps, and also for the peeps who sent cards! especially the anti aging mints, lmfao.

Twas yesterday my birthday but I had a party on Saturday night and ended up staying up until 12 the next day so I slept for most of my actual birthday, lol.

Coolest birhday present. A weeks holiday sailing out from, Split, Croatia on our own yacht with instructor! Thanks Mrs DST!

They are looking good bro.

To our friend HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!

Hope it's a good one bru
Welcome to the "Over the hill gang"
Like jig said, I hope it's a good one.

Happy ??th Birthday BUD!!! Have a great day!!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie A 21 Bonghit Salute!!!!!
Happy Birfday brosef!!!!. . . may your day be filled with long bike rides, and even longer joints. :peace:

On a slightly different note... anyone ever try an 13/11 light cycle, giving an extra hour to the day time? Would this help in plant growth ya think? Larger yields? Thoughts? A lot of plants will start to flower at 10.5 to 11 hours of darkness... just thinking out loud here.
Also, I'm horrible with remembering birthdays (I'd rather forget my own): who's birthday is it?

Well, in any event: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

If I had a bowl, I'd toke in your honor, but an emoticon is all I can muster at this point, so: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Oh, snap!
Now I'm embarrassed for forgetting...
I love sailing!!!
Hope you get to do some fishing while you're out, too!
Fresh air, steady wind, cool salt water spray.... damn! Awesome!!

Good things DO happen to good people.



Well-Known Member
well happy b-day,D , if you only had a clue who we were talking to, and if i the same. happy birthday... 2:30a.m and and 40%wiskey infused with a gram of dank. cheers buddys. iff yall are my buddys..


Well-Known Member
i been in around here for a while and i peeped game and this just seemed to be the place that was on smart shit..

well this october / november im going to be meeting a fairy that im goeing so slut alright the 6. it should be fun we shall see.


Well-Known Member
Right on!

Spent a bit of time training at a couple of the army bases in TX (and New Mexico).
Went from Alaska to Ft. Benning in Georgia, then did a lot of TDY in TX & New Mexico for training until being deployed to Kuwait & Iraq.
Still love the desert...


Well-Known Member
i c be sippin whiskey that i thre a 1.5 dan budina bottle and fuckinme me up.. smokeing whilr tho

^^^thats how you know dro man is throwwed


Well-Known Member
Jack o' Diamonds, Jack o' Diamonds and I know you of old
You've robbed my poor pockets of silver and gold
It's a whiskey, you villain, you've been my downfall
You've kicked me, you've cuffed me, but I love you for all and...

It's a whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry
If I don't get rye whiskey, well, I think I will die

It's Beefsteak when I'm hungry rye whiskey when I'm dry
Greenbacks when I'm hard up, heaven when I die
I'll go tea and a holler and I'll build me a still,
I'll give you a gallon for a five dollar bill.

Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry
If a tree don't fall on me, I'll live till I die

If the ocean was whiskey and I was a duck
I'd dive to the bottom and never come up
Now the ocean ain't whiskey and I ain't a duck
I'll play Jack O' diamonds and trust to my luck

Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry
If whisky don't kill me, I'll live till I die

"Jack 'O Diamonds (Rye Whiskey)", by Tex Ritter



Well-Known Member
DOG bx1 is a smashing smoke, just sampled some from a branch that was - accidently snapped prior to harvesting;)