Club 600


Well-Known Member
i agree amber i can dab full grams when my lungs feel good and go skateboard....its just your personal metabolism. knife hits are when you heat some stainless steel knives over a burner or element and drop a tiny peice of hash in between them and squeeze, then you generally use a funnel to suck the hit up with( like a half coke bottle) and the high is basically devastatingly stoney

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
YeAH! thanks for the great advice!!! Im going to do a big bong right before i hit the trail.
and happy trails to all you surfing the 600 wave. have a uplifting weekend!!!!!!!!!!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
i agree amber i can dab full grams when my lungs feel good and go skateboard....its just your personal metabolism. knife hits are when you heat some stainless steel knives over a burner or element and drop a tiny peice of hash in between them and squeeze, then you generally use a funnel to suck the hit up with( like a half coke bottle) and the high is basically devastatingly stoney
yes my broda is that hash under the glash. is that an old amsterdam trick?
oh and its funny as hell.. the dude that gave me the bho said that is so strong its know to make sk8erz not be albe to skate!! i immediately thought of YOU!! LOL!


Well-Known Member
dabbing full grams? fucking mental mate. I dont have a rig, but i blast enough oil myself. still dont go over .05. think my biggest one was like .08, and I thought I was gonna puke for 4 hours.


Active Member
try the liquid pads on the volcano, just be careful it doesn't melt right through and drip
smear erl on mine nom nom

damn thats fucked up cannaBlisscult, what is the choice med for seizures?
i was gifted some bho how do you recommend the consumption of it?
i just haave a bong, volano and pipe.


Well-Known Member
Its getting frothy! dont get trapped!

This trashcan lid has saved me several times.

The bubbles are up to the 3-gallon mark in the bucket (reaching the lowest ring and sloping down on one side, like in your photo/\/\/\).
I might have to put it in a drain tub for the next 5+ hours until Light On.
She be alive!!!


Well-Known Member
Its guano kelp tea ,ras.

Is it strange that i dont mind handling this shit? It doesnt bother me the slightest because my ladies love it so much. I actually really enjot it.. Maybe im turning into a plant :shock:


Well-Known Member
"...if you're plants ain't chillin', then they be illin'..."

Dr. Harry Hippieman's™


Platinum Series
Woosah Tea Mix™

...made From the finest gaunos
and other select ingredients...

If you want to make a billion, whodat, use that, and make your packaging tie-dye influenced, with a 1970's dude with big 'fro and matching beard & mustache, wearing a headband with old-timey doctor's reflector on it, big rose-colored sunglasses, dressed like a guru, with a big green thumb, and a doctor's stethoscope around his neck.


Well-Known Member
i agree amber i can dab full grams when my lungs feel good and go skateboard....its just your personal metabolism. knife hits are when you heat some stainless steel knives over a burner or element and drop a tiny peice of hash in between them and squeeze, then you generally use a funnel to suck the hit up with( like a half coke bottle) and the high is basically devastatingly stoney
We need to get together haha I smoke with a bunch of pussys that can barley do a .1 hit I can do a gram no problem going to choke but who doesn't of a gram I dnt do them everyday I usually do 3 or 4 dabs like .3 at a time but its fun with friends to watch them try and dab a gram


Well-Known Member
i agree completely, my roommate goes into this weird coughing squealing fit like hes a pig that got hotboxed or somthing.....i contribute my lung capacity to healthy constantly active over 10,000 ft elevation my lungs work overtime all the time.

bro id love to dab with you...maybe one day....


Well-Known Member
good night all, closing the shop for easter....enjoy your see you folks next weekend with some more cool stuff......amazing work everyone. 600 love.