Club 600


Well-Known Member
Gona cry me self to sleep just got out cop shop and they took my 3 girls woke me up at bedroom window saying they could smell and were getting dogs if a didn't open door so lost my gear and plants for a caution proper sick I am


Well-Known Member
Being that it is an OG, you are more than likely gonna get a large stretch imho
Ya that's what I was afraid of lol. My las OG fucking exploded last time I switched her and she was only 22", I'm really wondering what's gonna happen with her.

Gona cry me self to sleep just got out cop shop and they took my 3 girls woke me up at bedroom window saying they could smell and were getting dogs if a didn't open door so lost my gear and plants for a caution proper sick I am
Fuck bud that sucks brotha, sorry to hear that. Wish you the best man


Well-Known Member
No not my wilma and good gear lucky enough I still have the blue and wilma going, just my magnetic 600 a shade filter pots and my 3 baby's the bastards haha but caution for personal use is ok I suppose. Just gutted about the equipment I have lost starting over again sucks


Well-Known Member
what up 600,just fill like posting a few pics...2010 grow room(FF soil/nutes)non og grow. I think im going back to full on soil.2013 grow room(soiless mix/compost tea/cns17 grow/bloom) all og grow,i like my og,but time to switch it up.....these have around 2-3 more weeks left,then the VERT lights go in,clean somethings up,git new round of plants going,get back to the basics...


Well-Known Member
what up 600,just fill like posting a few pics...2010 grow room(FF soil/nutes)non og grow. I think im going back to full on soil.2013 grow room(soiless mix/compost tea/cns17 grow/bloom) all og grow,i like my og,but time to switch it up.....these have around 2-3 more weeks left,then the VERT lights go in,clean somethings up,git new round of plants going,get back to the basics...
Basics is where it's at ;) A lot of people over complicate this hobby and that's when they have problems.


Well-Known Member
I tried iso last time and I fucked it up big time lol. Haven't found a good guide on how to do it properly.

I wanna make some bubble but I gotta get some new bags

Ya I guess we will see. I just got a new vape pen and I wanna get some concentrates made for it.

He's lsting your plants for ya ;)
I tried ISO a couple times, it came out nice, wasn't pretty, but smoked nice.
Last time I tried, I had gone to the head shop, gotten replacement screens for grinders of different diameters, not knowing what jar I would try it on, and when my son came to visit, I had him sitting here for almost an hour and half, shaking room temp popcorn, and got almost .3g of amber pretty looking shit that smokes like I don't know what!


Well-Known Member
Damn that post was pulled from a deep min ago, like what 3-4 months.

Thanks bill that's where I went like 3 months ago lol, but thanks for the link again.

I'm not sure where bak pulled that one out of his ass from haha


Well-Known Member
Just trying to help my friend. :)
I mean, it was 3 months ago, so it IS possible you forgot, lol.
Spring has sprung. Finally warming up, up here.

View attachment 2639943

The crazy part is, 70 up here feels like 90 back at home!!
lol knowing me I can forget pretty easily, I smoke a lot of weed and when I mean a lot, I mean A LOT lol.

Hell ya dude it's been warming up here to. I'm stoked to get my outdoor going :D

Oh and thanks man for trying to help out, hope all is well with ya bill


Well-Known Member
Its going. Just vegging these plants out. I can't wait till i get a hps so I can start flowering, lol.

2013-05-01 12.19.31.jpg

They reek already, and are still vegging. I can only imagine what they are gonna be like with buds.