Club 600


Well-Known Member
That is close to what I had last time I had like ten but you had the quality for shore. I was not happy ether and I am looking to improve. MO where you get your seeds. I have to find some more sativas in my collection.


Well-Known Member
Well sorry it happened to you but Im glad Im not the only one. Last run (the space bubble and blue pit grow) I got 14 or so ozs from one light, better than this run, but Im used to getting 1+lb a light so Im still trying to hit my stride. Next run no less than a lb a light I promise.


Well-Known Member
Yea you have better yielding crosses, more co2, rdwc, and plenty of light. That's a recipe for success. All day that bg\bd looks yummy


Well-Known Member
This is a test. I do believe I figured out my pic problem. I had to switch browsers for my school because of issues with explorer 11 and I think its the same here.007.jpg

Problem solved. Half way


Well-Known Member
WHAT UP 600!!

making an order at the BB webshop in a couple days finally. :) Blue pit and Smelly Cherry/ or maybe Sour Cherry (word up Hemlock! she's pretty!)

anyone have a strong favorite over one an other between these two Breeder's Boutique Strains?? me: id get sour. my girl, who is the one with the acct on BB and the $$ honestly lmao, she wants the smelly she thinks. she likes the reviews and the reports of the lower torso and pelvic pain relief. also the one about it helping cramps. so she thinks maybe that one. i think they both sound great. anyone feel like posting pics of either one? or if you have grown both, id LOVE to hear your thoughts on each one. any extra info at all about either would be great!! SMELLY VS SOUR CHERRY FROM BB :)

love club600 the BB and all u guys. keep on with growin that sick nasty wicked green monster shit!! always! i got about oh maybe 75 pages to catch up on or so?? probably more like 7500... HAHA! :) still love it here. great place to be in RIU.

Smelly Cherry vs Sour Cherry :) im sure its been debated before. even perhaps by myself im just having a hrd time searching for it. so i fiugred id come in here and say wassup and ask.


Well-Known Member

I am only starting, but with both of them, and am seeing very different growth:

This younger Sour Cherry is growing much like its
older sister (he wrote hopefully):

For me, if I had to guess (and this is truly blind) then I would
choose sour over smelly, for taste over scent.



Well-Known Member
damnit! i still owe u guys some pics!! i did snap a few. i have some of that cool Purple Grape Ape in seed now...

Purple Grape Ape x Nirvana Medusa (seems to be a cbd heavy one vs thc but awesome apical og-like structure. slight berry, some metallic, some earthy/green. beautiful buds absolute 10/10 on appearance. usually anyways. ive had THC heavy ones. those one always stunk in veg. well thats why i babied this medusa it was one of those stinky ones i figured to be a high thc one... it turned out to be a male(100% not hermie) and the medusa i talk of is from this male that was allowed to produce its male flowers)

i also have this medusa male x G13 labs PE

and same the medusa male x a random bagseed of "Fruity Chronic Juice"

This "FCJ" is from a friend in Saginaw MI. Gave me a handful of bagseeds... figured i be cool and pop a few for him since he was nice enough to give them, even tho i need to try a million other strains i already have. :) The seed i popped turned out to be a good strain similar to white rhino with a bit more sativa in it, and much better imo. less spicey/hashy. more sweet. ive grown a couple white rhinos that were sweet and spicey and it was too spicey for my taste. this FCJ is much sweeter and smoother, but still similar to the White Rhinos that i grew.

SO yeah gettin some blue pit & either Sour or Smelly Cherry :) already have 4 strains where is the best place to list the strains i already have btw if anyone can help with that. thank you. much love people be safe!!


EDIT thx Javadog that helps a bit. i showed my girl. its the black rose & Exodus Cheese that are different in the smelly. I see the "Caseyband" in both of the sour cherries u posted. NICE!!! sure u will be happy. geez i need to keep up!!


Well-Known Member
Fuuuuuug the trimming... I'm still working on the first plant. This is the LA Con 100g (48 hrs dry) in the ziplock and still gotta do the rest on the bench. Maybe I'll start plant #2 tomorrow! Maybe I'll finish plant #1 tomorrow!



Well-Known Member
Thanks to bassman i did some more checking and discovered what i all ready knew, he was right it's a sour cherry. I love posting the pretty girl, after all shes the prettiest i ever grew.009.jpg
This is sat. Sorry to repost her but. It is christmas colors at christmas time.

