Club 600


well....another semester down...seems like as soon as school gets goin i disappear from this forum ah well....i probably dont belong anymore since ive upgraded to a thouie...unless you kind folks dont mind keeping an imposter around lol.
I think you were trying to say Downgraded. Either way you are always welcome here. Glad to see you back.


Well-Known Member
4 days dry and trimmed. I'm still going through my drying method to the end before I pop into the jar with the boveda packs. Tis my thought that to get the bud as close to cured first anyways is going to increase the longevity of the pack since it won't have as much "work" to do. I would imagine that you could go to the glass early and let the pack do some of the work if you don't mind using them up. I'd also like to see what one can do with some overly dry bud. I might do a test on that.

So 4 days, and as trimmed as they're gonna get from me. The LA Con weighs in at 7.3oz and the Headband at 3.4oz. The headband shriveled up a lot on me and I would have let it go a little longer if the dying leaves hadn't started working their way into the bud. 4 more plants to harvest still, 2 this weekend and 2 sometime after.

Everything else is at 55 days flower. Heres Girl Scout Cookies. Sorry the frosty doesn't show up with a cell phone taking pics through a pair of sunglasses with no flash!

Peacock? YP? I don't even know anymore... it doesn't resemble either really. These buds are really fat but I can tell they're also pretty hollow when I squeeze them.

Group shot

Oh yeah I almost killed some clones! Forgot to water them and hadn't even looked at them in a day or two, 2 of them were kissing carpet, or trying to.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So my plant is mag deficient. Do I just add a small amount of calmag? The calcium is so much higher than the mag in that. Makes me worry.


Well-Known Member

  • I havnt checked trichs in years. I just tend to eyeball the flowers and plant as a whole looking for that "done" look, can just tell wen shes given it all she has.

    Hey man we are like, you know twins haha…..i try to tell people, the plant is what you see and all that business under the soil together. I have this skywalker/og that refuses to quit growing fresh bud on top…….the rest of the plants are getting tired so I'm going to chop next week, that will be 11 weeks flower..maybe I'll take some whole plant shots later today these girls all grow long legs before they bud out.​



Well-Known Member
So my plant is mag deficient. Do I just add a small amount of calmag? The calcium is so much higher than the mag in that. Makes me worry.
If you're using tap water and still think you have a deficiency I'd go with a small dose, like 50% at the most. If you're using RO or filtered water then I'd do the full dose.


Well-Known Member
I use 5ml of calmag in every 5l bottle of water for feed, and I sprinkle a teaspoon of epsom salts over once a week.

I think thats what makes the leaves on mine so dark


Well-Known Member
i hate re-wetting weed. omg i hate that so badly. i can almost always tell when its been done. gentle or not. lettuce, cigar fresheners, couple drips of water in a bag... i actually called someone out on that last month. after getting bitter with me, and me having to warn him to shut up or id kick his lily ass... he admitted it. i dont buy re-wetted weed. (plus ive been taking less shit in general from people lately. can u tell? ;) )

i geuss im lucky i have a volcano. can be bone dry, or still kinda wet. just changes the temp needed and time it lasts/takes to smoke.


Well-Known Member
i hate re-wetting weed. omg i hate that so badly. i can almost always tell when its been done. gentle or not. lettuce, cigar fresheners, couple drips of water in a bag... i actually called someone out on that last month. after getting bitter with me, and me having to warn him to shut up or id kick his lily ass... he admitted it. i dont buy re-wetted weed. (plus ive been taking less shit in general from people lately. can u tell? ;) )

i geuss im lucky i have a volcano. can be bone dry, or still kinda wet. just changes the temp needed and time it lasts/takes to smoke.
Drier is a higher or lower temp?


Well-Known Member
Tap water left out for 24 hours.

My Water comes out at 7.9 ph too!

Very little cal in my water I think as they were very pale until i got calmag and later epsom salts.


Well-Known Member
Tap water left out for 24 hours.

My Water comes out at 7.9 ph too!

Very little cal in my water I think as they were very pale until i got calmag and later epsom salts.
Sounds like my water, and I might add some CM and some epson to see if I get a lil darker healthier leaves.

I just figured using tap[ I didnt need CM, but I used it in the past actually, and stopped for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like my water, and I might add some CM and some epson to see if I get a lil darker healthier leaves.

I just figured using tap[ I didnt need CM, but I used it in the past actually, and stopped for some reason.
It's one of those pal. Once I added Cal Mag half strength I got lush dark leaves, once flipped needed to up calmag to 1ml per litre and added a little epsom as a preventative cos I am sure cal mag is 2-1 ratio


Well-Known Member
yes.. lots of water info from the REV from skunk magazine. i have a nice valuable issue where he goes into detail about different types of water. sucks cuz there was a misprint too... they re copied the info for chlorine from another substance that had a similar name. hence no chlorine info listed. but all u have to do with that is evap it out. i stopped using bottled water, and switched to evaporated tap water over the last year or so.

what are some of the typical needs a plant may have that is living "the city life" with city tap water??????? from Flint MI at that. whew!! detroit water yay!!

just asking while its on topic. :) i use roots organics buddha bloom and buddha grow, along with their bio catalyst named Trinity. they are very "organic" lmao i highly suggest trying them btw. but anyways my point is... since im using those. do i typically need to add any thing like cal, mag, etc...???

although 209 sold me on RO water a while back, even tho the Rev warns against it unless u REALLY know what your doing. its easier to mess up. just can be the best way if it works out tho. either way, i cant afford it atm. tap is going to have to cut it. i evap it for about 24 hours before use. and try to keep it at or above room temp while in evap. when i water the girls, i try to match the soil temp to the water temp. not just the air temp. sometimes my plants get cold over night and the soil could still be cold. warm water would shock the plant, at least i think so right?


Well-Known Member
I've never used any special RO system or buying bottled water.

Just throw some air stones in a bucket of tap water, all you need.


Well-Known Member
CalMag also has Iron and N:

Guaranteed Analysis:

  • Total Nitrogen (N): 2.0%, 2.0% Nitrate Nitrogen
  • Calcium (Ca): 3.2%
  • SMagnesium (Mg): 1.2%, 1.2% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)
  • Iron (Fe): 0.1%, 0.1% Chelated Iron (Fe)
Derived from: Calcium Nitrate, Magnesium Nitrate, Iron EDTA