Club 600


Well-Known Member
Doc, awesome job on the octagon. And the bench is just, well my vocabulary doesn't do it justice. But the best part was seeing your little girl(?) working with you. I have 2 girls and love the feeling of building things with them.


Well-Known Member
Yea I love building things with my boys.

Wish they liked it a lil more though. One of them absolutely loves it and the other is coming along but he likes video games more. Been working on cutting his time way down and making him more active.
I wanted a boy bad but got lucky with my 2 girls. 1 watches sports with me and the other likes to hike, build, fish etc... It's really the best of both worlds. My attitude would probably change if they were with me 24/7 and I had to deal with 2 teenage girls.


Well-Known Member
Had a great time in the desert over the weekend with my brother and one of his friends. We were unable to finish the race yet again due to a problem with the car but it was still a good time. We were really setting a good pace and had passed a few other cars before having problems that ended our race. We had to sit in the desert for a couple of hours while waiting for the tow vehicle to arrive but I was with my brother so it was all good. His buddy came to our aid and eventually we got the car back to the pits on a trailer. The whole process took a few hours and was definitely an experience.

While waiting for our tow, we were able to diagnose the problem and come up with a good solution to ensure the same problem doesn't happen again. My brother was really bummed out since the problem was directly related to some work he recently performed on the car. I can understand since he has a lot of time and money tied up in his racing program. For me, it's just a time investment and I decided before ever riding in the car with him that I was just going to go with the flow and help out where I can. I think this makes things easier on him when things go wrong. I just keep a positive attitude and he keeps smiling even when we're standing next to a dead car on the side of the course, in the dark.

Racing dirt bikes was so very different from racing these cars. With the bikes, I hardly ever worried about mechanical problems ending my race day. The worry was always crashing out of the race with injury. With the cars, there are so many things that can and do go wrong. So many more moving parts and so much more electronics really put the odds against you making it the entire length of the race.

I have a really good feeling that the next race will be the first one we finish. He drives really well and we're going to go through the electrical on the car really well before then. It's not until mid October so there's some time to get the car ready.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it was still cool. The people pitting next to us had a much worse time than we did. They had an axle on their car break in a way that they had the entire wheel come off and they were in a much less accessible spot on the course. Their drama lasted 7 hours before they got the car back to the pits at 4 AM. Ours took only about three hours and then we were just waiting to hear that the neighbors had their situation handled and the car on the trailer.


Well-Known Member
I think two of the three remaining Peacocks may be Hermie plants. They are starting to produce female flowers but I noticed what looks like balls forming too :(

Guess I'll need to make the call soon as to scrap the two plants or just pick off the balls and keep rolling. There's five Hericheese, one definite female Peacock, two possible herm Peacocks, a single female Chemdog and five Lambsbread that have yet to show sex.

There's signs of wind burn on some leaves in my room so I'm considering removing the oscilating fan. I have two small clip fans attached to the ceiling blowing down on the plants but they don't seem to move very much air. That's why I stuck the oscillating fan in there in the first place.