Club 600


Well-Known Member
Just tried to do a search for the Cannabis Cup Amsterdam 2015, lmfao....all I got was the 2014 Cup. The HT website only takes the years events up to September so who knows if there will be one or not over here. Quite pathetic the link for the 2014 has like 4 pictures up there......trully wack!


Well-Known Member
Just tried to do a search for the Cannabis Cup Amsterdam 2015, lmfao....all I got was the 2014 Cup. The HT website only takes the years events up to September so who knows if there will be one or not over here. Quite pathetic the link for the 2014 has like 4 pictures up there......trully wack!
I have had to dig for information for a week now, but I found you tube videos helped the most lol. thats pretty bad for something that draws the numbers is does.


Well-Known Member
I have had to dig for information for a week now, but I found you tube videos helped the most lol. thats pretty bad for something that draws the numbers is does.
The more I have been involved in the HT, the more I have found it's an unorganised group of people running a stoners event. All the times we have had booths we have had to hunt for information, ask a million questions because nothing is clear, and in the end get treated like crap.....meanwhile dropping 000's for the priviledge. I have heard the events in the US are often moved, addresses changed, people not informed, freaking hard is it to communicate with people in this day and age.
To say the 2014 Dam event was a disgrace is giving them credit. I don't blame HT totally but they sure did rally to ensure that no-one would get any refunds on the money they touting the great Coffeeshop tour as one of their daily events....what? like, unless HT was in the area, no one would be going around coffeeshops, lmfao. The nickle and dimeness sure did come out!!!!


Well-Known Member
The more I have been involved in the HT, the more I have found it's an unorganised group of people running a stoners event. All the times we have had booths we have had to hunt for information, ask a million questions because nothing is clear, and in the end get treated like crap.....meanwhile dropping 000's for the priviledge. I have heard the events in the US are often moved, addresses changed, people not informed, freaking hard is it to communicate with people in this day and age.
To say the 2014 Dam event was a disgrace is giving them credit. I don't blame HT totally but they sure did rally to ensure that no-one would get any refunds on the money they touting the great Coffeeshop tour as one of their daily events....what? like, unless HT was in the area, no one would be going around coffeeshops, lmfao. The nickle and dimeness sure did come out!!!!
I think an international collective competition is going to have to be organized by someone, a creditable, independently judged (not sure who judges now) open to all growers from around the world.


Well-Known Member
I had to share this with yall! Just noticed my home town friends band is starting to get some attention now! They're opening for Apocalyptica and Queensryche soon! So bad ass! Here's a music video from them filmed in my home town, hope yall like it :)

into shadow.jpg


Well-Known Member
Spanabis cup! I hear it's everything like that except not in the states :(
From what Hydro said, it's not very international though (i.e everything is in Spanish!, lol). That's just Spain though. I am sure the bigger the industry gets the more international these events will become. There's also an ExpoGrow in the North of Spain that we have information on. They reckon they are heavily focused on the French market as it's just over the border. I'd be fukked if I was taking anything over the border from Spain to France after my recent experiences. Highlife also do a Cannabis Cup here in the Netherlands, but that seems to be more focused towards purely Dutch growers.


Well-Known Member
From what Hydro said, it's not very international though (i.e everything is in Spanish!, lol). That's just Spain though. I am sure the bigger the industry gets the more international these events will become. There's also an ExpoGrow in the North of Spain that we have information on. They reckon they are heavily focused on the French market as it's just over the border. I'd be fukked if I was taking anything over the border from Spain to France after my recent experiences. Highlife also do a Cannabis Cup here in the Netherlands, but that seems to be more focused towards purely Dutch growers.
Well hell big boat in International waters and we can do just about anything we want right LOL.


Well-Known Member
Too funny moondance. Yesterday you were nervous about your trip to the cup, now we got you organizing international operations at sea!

Charleston.... that's horrible horrible news. My cats are not 'like family' to me. They are family. I'm very sorry to hear about your little guy. And such a fucking Horrible way for it to end. I don't know if it's possible for you, but I would suggest finding a new friend for bonnie, maybe not right away, but soon. Hopefully she could have some more fellow cat love in her life. Although nothing replaces a sibling. :( Really sad. In the past year I've had to tear the family of cats we had apart. We had mom and her four kids. They are now scattered this way and that. The mom and one of the siblings has taken it really hard. The only one left with us cries every day. It tears me up. We also had another mother and daughter combo that had been together since birth, and a few months ago the mom just walked off. After 8 years of being with us. Gone. Her daughter is crushed and constantly looking for her mom.

I really feel for you and little bonnie. She might not go out again, the daughter of the walking mom wont set foot outside now. I'm sorry friend. It's a real shame.


Well-Known Member
Right on dst, I would be so screwed doing anything in another language lol. My first doctor here was Spanish and though she spoke English I had trouble understanding, I had to get a new doctor. I took French for a year in high school, j'mapelle jerome. That's all I got lol. I cant wait until the herb becomes more mainstream and every event has translators and all languages can know what is going on. A unity community
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