Club 600


Well-Known Member
Bought a bunch of nutes at the grow store a couple months ago. I called on my way and asked the employee to get the bottles I needed ready because I was in a hurry. Didn't notice it until after I watered today but the dude at the grow store sold me a bottle of hydro nutes for bloom. Should I start flushing immediately? Am I completely fucked?


Well-Known Member
I think you'll be fine. Just don't use it anymore. I'd ask to get it changed at the store too.
Thankyou for the response. I was very worried.
Yeah im kind of over that shop. Drove an hour and a half to get there and one ofthe bottles of nutes was wrong and they also sold me a bunk HPS bulb for $80. Not the kind of service you like to get when you're spending $800...


Well-Known Member
So I need to adjust my caps for the flow to make a shallow stream under top plant where as lower plant is in a deeper stream say 4-5cm,

Should I raise front legs so I can reduce stream at front.end or will they be no differnce


Well-Known Member
@Irie... I forget not everyone lives down the street from their hydro shop. Yeah... just cut ties and get some soil nutes man. Mail order is real nice, especially when you find a company that ships things in plain boxes.

@bud... It should be fine that way. Some of my plants were only in a about 2 cm of flowing water. They did ok. If the front ones suffer at all once things start rolling, it should be easy enough to stick a book under each of the two front legs if needed.


Well-Known Member
So I never knew you could get single elements for nutes. Meaning, you can buy Mono N.... so like Only nitrogen. Or Mono P, Mono K, etc.... It's great to adjust with. I always just thought if you wanted more N, you had to use more Veg nutes, because they are high N. But then you are loading them with all the other stuff.

I finally got a bottle of Mono N for my hungry gals and I'm excited to use it.

Also, for those following my growing career... I've FINALLY figured out how to grow plants in soil. Only took like 5 miserable grows over the course of about 5 years to get it. :)


Well-Known Member
So I never knew you could get single elements for nutes. Meaning, you can buy Mono N.... so like Only nitrogen. Or Mono P, Mono K, etc.... It's great to adjust with. I always just thought if you wanted more N, you had to use more Veg nutes, because they are high N. But then you are loading them with all the other stuff.

I finally got a bottle of Mono N for my hungry gals and I'm excited to use it.

Also, for those following my growing career... I've FINALLY figured out how to grow plants in soil. Only took like 5 miserable grows over the course of about 5 years to get it. :)
Glad to hear that jig, some day I'll try hydro.

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
9 super lemon haze girls vegged for about 20 days( aero/nft) from rooted clone under 250 mh. I was going aero but don't have time to build one today so I have them in canna coco with canna nutes and additives. Tomorrow is day 1 of 12/12 under my 8" magnum xxxl hood with 600 watt hortilux bulb.



Well-Known Member
Best part of hydro for me.... I've gone away for 14 days with not a soul opening the grow room door. Only problem was the plants grew too much.

I've done that/ had that happen twice. Once in veg, once in flower. Different grows.

Second best part... super fast growth rate.

Third best... only one rez to 'water'.
I enjoy "being" with my plants we talk and commune with each other.
I even smoke joints with them and tell them "this is going to happen to you".



Well-Known Member
I got me another mutant going this grow. I don't know what to make of it. I'm hoping it grows out ok. It looks like the plant topped itself into 3 tops, all being retarted. I tried to bend and open up the two leafs for a better view of what it's doing. Just one of the Lambsbreads doing this, and it happened right around transplant. Not sure if right after I noticed weird growth or any before the transplant. Anyway, here's a couple pics of it.
image.jpeg image.jpeg



Well-Known Member
I figure it would, but find it interesting how F'd up a plant will grow. It is the only one that has a stench this early, so naturally I'm hoping for a good turn out by the end of the year. Time will tell.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I went to the hydro shop the other day to pick up some things. I bought about $50 worth of various sized pots, 10ftx100ft of panda, a new t5 setup, looked at some controllers, flirted with the chick behind the counter, etc.

I walked out and they had two pallets of free plastic pots. I loaded as much as my car could handle! Some how I had walked right past the free display on my way in, psh what a stoner.

I've got sooo many now, SOG is more feasible. I gave dozens out to all my grow friends and still have huge stacks of 1/2gals, 1gals, 2gals, 5gals, 10gals, 20gals. And some type of pots that work specifically with a special hydro system. Oh, and grow bags, which I've seen but never used but I may get into them eventually....

An awesome find for sure, I'll never need pots again!