Club 600


Active Member
Hello folks. It's been a while. Made some adjustments and got some ideas. What's the story on the Agromax tents? I have one on the way. Sprouts are emerald green and freaking have a mind of their own. Everything is looking good and then I read a thread that's about as much fun as getting my junk caught in the zipper that the tents are shit! Somebody say it's not so.
Thanks for the reply. New freaking worry is the Chitown bullshit. My beans just got there and says processed yada yada but it's when they're in my hands that I'll be chill.


Well-Known Member
Well had a few days off from here will be updating what my dogs are like in a couple hours when I go feed them, just can't wait to get then out and do 10 dippy ellsy under 2 600s or 3 400s still undecided


Well-Known Member
Haha a bet u can't, still about 6 weeks at least a think for my chop... long time smoking shite and doing without cos it's that shite they sell round here


Well-Known Member
Haha I need to be set up in a 2.4 tent to achieve never being out again,i did manage to get hold of a bag of critical mass last night which is lovely... but they weed looks a lot shitter then previous off them, I think they just rushing it for the coin these days


Well-Known Member
I could not believe how bad some of the buds smelled at the cup today! The two winners for me were: the one that smelled like pure fresh mango hash and the one that smelled like PEZ candy.


Well-Known Member
I thought I'd broken RIU..had a massive post and pressed Reply and then got taken to that Extra Verification Screen and then RIU went down, lol...typical. So you'll just need to imagine the massive reply I done.

Shame about the poor buds at the Cup Mo, whats the story there then?


Well-Known Member
It was same price as the rest but I thought it was cute. :/ Apparently bassman has the same thing in green.

night night.... off to bed for me. I smokes some of my headband, I can only stay awake about 20 minutes. I'm dizzy. This shit is too strong.