Club T5


Well-Known Member
Hey all just want to drop a warning about lights from ...growzebo on ebay ..dont purchase them they are pure garbage that could burn your house down , also he is a cheese bag to deal with .so steer clear !!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
That last pic looks to me like it needs more than a week, more like 2-3. Just looks pretty early into flower to me.

My new plants under new setup at about 2-3 weeks veg with 1 topping done.


Well-Known Member
If you're responding to me, you're probably right for the tops (that pic is a top); the bottoms are pretty done.

:wall:I was feeding 3xs/day. Should have cut it to 2/d 2 weeks ago. This morning I cut back to one/day, that should expedite finishing


Active Member
Been browsing around on ebay and amazon and have noticed quite a few generic t5s available for a slighter cost. Im interested in the 24' models.

Has anyone used these...and if so....whats your opinion? worth the cost savings or just go with a Sun Blaze?



Active Member
After trying to run a 600w HPS I am switching over to flowering with T5's. Don't want to deal with the extra heat the HPS puts out on top of the fact that the light is a electricity hog. I am currently vegging under 324w of T5 light. This will be my flowering light. I have an old 6 bulb reef aquarium T5 light I will use to veg and clone under. I have to rework my grow cabinet a bit but this should all work out in my benefit. Flowering will be done 2 plants at a time under a fixed SCROG screen. Flowering fixture will be adjustable to keep light right on top of plants and make training under the SCROG easier. I look forward to posting results. On deck to flower 2 Fem Seeds Pure AK.


Well-Known Member
I use a t5 VHO 8 lamp fixture and I wish I hadt5  Bud.jpgt5 VHO 1.jpgt5 VHO.jpg never wasted my money on LED. I LOVE t5's. As good as any lights out there, and better than most in my opinion


Well-Known Member
Certainly you can waste your money on ANYTHING if you are an uneducated consumer. I use both, separately


question here.i have a 11ft long,7ft wide,7ft tall room.i was all set to purchase a full set up for (6)600s when the store owner told me what he was up to.he suggested (4) 2ft x 4ft 8 bulb vho t5s.this really got me thinking because he just lost quite a bit of money because the vho t5 set up is cheaper.heres my question.can you yield the same from a t5 vho setup are the buds just as tasty etc.thanks.


Well-Known Member
There is much to love about HOT5s, especially the even spectral balance across a large area, but...

* 'Quality' aquarium bulbs are ~$25 (after shipping)
* Due to mercury, pose an environmental hazard
* Bulb life/output, although not horrible, declines after 4-5 grows

What to do?

LED Tubes are here

I just ordered 4 x 4ft @23w T8s (3 @ 2800-3200K + 1 @ 5500-6500K). Each has a separate outboard driver. Based on my experience using household globe LEDs (see sig) 23w could well compare to 54w AND last 5+ years instead of grows.

Also newer gen tube wattage has ~ doubled, and likely to again, within a year

This is an easy-peezy DIY. Frame can be made from wooden 1x2-4s


Well-Known Member
t5 VHO.jpgAll T5.jpgt5 VHO 1.jpgMore T5.jpgt5  Bud.jpg
question here.i have a 11ft long,7ft wide,7ft tall room.i was all set to purchase a full set up for (6)600s when the store owner told me what he was up to.he suggested (4) 2ft x 4ft 8 bulb vho t5s.this really got me thinking because he just lost quite a bit of money because the vho t5 set up is cheaper.heres my question.can you yield the same from a t5 vho setup are the buds just as tasty etc.thanks.
I have the same fixture in one of my grow rooms. Excellent lights. Used 1 on 8 plants in 3 gal pots and the results were as good as my 1000w hps.