Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro


Well-Known Member
It is weird how the attention thing goes.

You are not whoring about, trying to grab eyeballs.

If you have a specific question, and you are doing fine
as is, then you can pop into one of the active threads.
I can recommend the 600 club. I happened there because
I have a 600 W lamp, but anyone is welcome.

Other than certain "group threads" it is hard to tell
when people will happen by.

I got your back. :0)



Well-Known Member
thanks so much JD for following me! i appreciate it!

RIU has changed a lot since i started in 2007. i dont know if i will do another journal.

i put my last plant, a royal flush, in the dark tonight. i'm glad to shut this grow down because i'm on week 11 and my electric bill is about a hundred extra a month. wouldn't be so bad if i sold some of this but it's just for me and my friends. all my grows have been that way. that's why i don't really groom them too much and make bud porn.

good luck and take care!


Well-Known Member
It was a fun ride bro. You have skills.

I understand about the non-commercial status.

I have blessed a few friends with some, but am slowly
building up a dope library. LOL!

If you land somewhere else, please drop a note here.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
More than three ounces of nice dank buds. ...great root too.

I toasted Blue Cheese with my bro, watching the Chargers actually win :0)
and some Qrazy Train bowls when I got home.




Well-Known Member
Let the experiment continue. This is my little runt cluster bomb plant. I was hoping to get another week or two outside but it's going to freeze in 2 days so I brought her in and put her in the tent. Had to raise the light all the way. This might be quite a shock to her since she's going to get 12 hours of intense HID light now instead of direct sunlight for 4 hours a day. I haven't fed her for weeks either. Just a lot of rainwater basically. I just watered her heavily since she dried out over night.

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Well-Known Member
LOL she is a bit wilted, but she is a tree!

That is going to explode....can you handle the stretch?

Great stuff. I will look CB up.



Well-Known Member
she's good now that i gave her a drink. i'm worried about the stretch but i'll tie her down if i have too. i'll keep you posted!


Well-Known Member
Do that.

I looked CB up. It has interesting genetics.

The "Bomb guys" did something really brilliant in finding their
"special mother". It allows them to recreate breeds with their
own touch. I have yet to try their gear though.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Do that.

I looked CB up. It has interesting genetics.

The "Bomb guys" did something really brilliant in finding their
"special mother". It allows them to recreate breeds with their
own touch. I have yet to try their gear though.

Good luck,

she's liking it in the tent! the transition didn't seem to faze her at all, at least not yet. i had 2 CB beans pop. the one i grew inside i was disappointed in. it finished fast but didn't yield much. i haven't smoked any of her yet since she's curing. this one was a runt like i mentioned, and instead of culling her i put her outside just for grins. now she's a giant! the one i grew inside looked more indica-ish and this one looks more sativa-ish. i dont know if that is a phenotype difference or they just simply grow differently depending on if they develop inside or outside. i hope i can get some big fat looking buds on this one before it's done. i wonder if that would be a way to half the electric bill on a grow. start them inside, move them outside for 3 months and them move them back in for the final finish?


Well-Known Member
I would love to use the sun.



i keep forgetting that not everybody lives in colorado JD! it's been nice to have that plant sitting in my back yard and not have to be all freaked out that somebody is going to come and throw me in fucking prison. when i first started growing a few years ago the legal climate was way different and i was pretty nervous most of the time when i had a gro. it's a good long overdue change. even though i love to grow my own and will continue to do so, i'm really looking forward to driving into denver next year and walking into a store and buying a gram or two of some crazy strain of weed i've never had and walking out a free man!


Well-Known Member
I let this one hang a couple days too long so it's kinda dry. I ordered some wide mouth gallon jars so I'll get it out of that plastic container soon. :eyesmoke:

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Well-Known Member
I just logged in, but I am here. LMAO.

Dry or no, those look very tasty.

I was an "early adopter" of the for-pot 62% Boveda packs.

They are quite reasonably priced.

Keep up the good work.

Fuck, I get it.....precisely 24 hours. LOL!
