CNN lies about crowds


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah it's much better to be Walmart. I used to be more of a wholesaler till I got shut down, but not Walmart level. One day...


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah it's much better to be Walmart. I used to be more of a wholesaler till I got shut down, but not Walmart level. One day...
I used to too.. used to go to n cali and Ashland no less than once a month.
Then we had a baby...
I'd still do it but not as comfortably as before. To much to lose.
Sucks not having allll that extra money though. Never realized how much it was till I wasn't getting it anymore..
Up north= 1200
Here= 2200
10k profit a month

stay smokin'


Well-Known Member
Ooooohhhhh you said our economy isn't rolling! And that it's fucked up! YOU HATE AMERICA!!!
I aggree man, maybe it'll get better one day. I got my trump shirts in the mail the other day.
1 short sleeve, 1 long sleeve.
So I can rep "make America Great Again" in any weather :)

stay smokin'
I share my perspective about the change I've seen in this country since the 60's. Most of the homes I knew of in the neighborhood had only 1 earner in the household, a few where both parents worked. Average middle class America (my perspective). These were modest jobs. Cobbler, plumber, banker, clerk at hardware store, city employee, ma bell, construction tradesmen.
People owned homes, weren't renting, took vacations, kids went to college. All from one modest income.
Here's the tell for me. Dad bought his first home in 60. Price of home was equal to one years salary. Bought second home in 72. Price was again equal to one year salary. Those days are over. Something drastically wrong has happened to us.


Well-Known Member
None. And yet you don't here me complaining about my tax dollars helping people like you out.

I'm liberal
You're rude too and I've got a couple questions for you.
In what way do you figure your tax dollars are helping me? Won't this also be the same way my tax dollars are helping you?


Well-Known Member
You're literally retarded.
Does this make you dislike me?
What is your reason for not liking people with mental disabilities?
Hmm well it's not racist... what's the liberal word for people who hate "retards" , as you like to call them ???

stay smokin'


Well-Known Member
Youre trying to read too much into it.

I'm merely telling you that you're retarded, beyond that I feel apathy and indifference to you.
One or the other would've been fine as both of those words are identical in meaning.
(Apathetic & indifferent)

Nothing like some good old fashioned kripplebashing to start your day of, eh?

stay smokin'