Co2 and CFL is it worth it?


Well-Known Member
If you have ALOT of watts of cfl, and your box is small an sealed then a diy Yeast co2 generator will give you better growth.


Well-Known Member
that depends on specifics and things like that, you could definetley make a setup where its worth it, if its worth it in specific cases depends on the specific circumstances and variables of said cases.


Active Member
I know someone who is growing with CFL's in a single wall kitchen unit, which is then in a cupboard on the floor. They have an in-take and out-take fan, and a 3L bottle half filled with water, half a cup of sugar and a tablespoon of yeast and holes poked out the topside next to the in-take fan where it sits. Said it should last him about a week before he refreshes the mix. I haven't seen any grows in RL except his, and although the plant is small (shitty lights) it sure does look healthy and the nodes are so tight with big fan leafs. He's growing an afghan kush ryder(=autoflowering)

Hope this helps.