co2 help!!


besides putting a tank of co2 in the grow room what are some other methods? ive heard dry ice but where i am seems pretty hard to obtain....any suggestions?


Active Member
I use a 2 litre Coke bottle just over half full of water with 2 cups of sugar and 1 and a half sachels of activated yeast. I drilled a hole in the lid to fit some aquarium air tube in and run it up above my plants. shake the bottle every few hours or so for the first few days. Bingo home grown CO2. this will last about a week or 2.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
besides putting a tank of co2 in the grow room what are some other methods? ive heard dry ice but where i am seems pretty hard to obtain....any suggestions?
dry ice is no good. around where i live it costs about $2/pound and a pound lasts about 2 hours outside of a cooler. it would be very expensive to keep enough around to have a constant supply of co2 for you growroom.

You can get a co2 generator, or use the sugar/yeast method. in the diy section there is a thread about using the co2 in the exhaust from a natural gas heater.

*edit: here are some links

i use the yeast/sugar method. I fill a 2 litter half way with water then add 2-3 cups of sugar and 2 tsp of active yeast


dry ice is no good. around here it cost about $2/pound and a pound lasts about 2 hours outside of a cooler. it gets would be very expensive to keep enough around to have a constant supply of co2 for you growroom.

You can get a co2 genorator, or use the sugar/yeast method. in the diy section there is a thread about using the co2 in the exhaust from a natural gas heater.
thank you both very much! im gunna try the sugar and yeast method first then invest in some equipment. again thanks a lot!


Well-Known Member
The tank is the cheapest method.
Or there are propane burner's they even have water cooled ones with ppm meter's.
Any of the home made method's will not produce a constantly enriched areae.


Why not try some fizzy water, Im a new grower, but ive grown my plant from a seed on only fizzy water ??!!??:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yes yeast work's but not consisitent or controlable.
Fizzy water? What do you meen. Seltzer water.
Hopefully only as a folior spray.


Yes yeast work's but not consisitent or controlable.
Fizzy water? What do you meen. Seltzer water.
Hopefully only as a folior spray.
No mate i mean sparklings water from tescos 12p, It has given mine all it has needed, now 2 weeks into flowering i am giving it feed.


the best way and cheapest way to do this is fill a spraybottel with sparkeling water and the oxygen in the water will release into ur plants save money and trying to find an oxygen tank


do this 2 or 3 time a day and only spray the leaves and have ur fan off when u does this so ur plant can absorb all the oxygen


Well-Known Member
Oxygen? What is wrong with the ogygen in the air?
I thought we were adding co2.
The seltzer water as we call it in the state's doe's deliver some co2 when folior feed.
I would not turn off the fan's with wet leaves myself.
And never folior feed in flower.
This method add very little Co2 and I do not consider that any thing more than a good folior spray at best.