co2 or light


Active Member
so im putting together a new set up i got 5x400watter hps and im still waiting on my 5x10 tent so i dnt have much $$$ left its ether i buy a co2 set up monitor,regulator,tank,and controller or a 1000 watt hps air cooled set up dnt know which one to get what u guys think thnx


Bayou bud

Active Member
That's some crazy buyers remorse you might experience man. Sounds great though. Personally, if you have a lot of light already I'd do CO2. But that's only if you are already stable on the temps and pretty happy with the light you already have.


Active Member
yea i mean i got 2000watts in total but i wanted to put one more 1k but i think the co2 will put in more wrk than the extra light right what u think m8 light or co2


Well-Known Member
with co2 temps can and should be much higher, adding a light will also add heat, seems you have enough light, go with the co2.