Pos ,I think I'm allowed here ,to post my most recent thoughts about leds ....
Who knows ..
'Might be the next project for the wonderful " led micro-cab -min-lab " chamber of yours ...

We both know about the abilities of a CXA3070 3000K 80CRI ..
Add a CXA3070 5000K (CRI under question yet ... ) ..
Why ?
Check this " abstract "
First phrase of interest ...
As N-fertilization rate decreased, the
marijuana plants produced leaves with lower chlorophyll
concentrations and higher reflectance values in the visi-
ble wavelength region, particularly at 550 nm.
So ,the more N assimilated ,the less green light is reflected .
Dark green leaves instead of ' lime ' ones ...
Dark green leaves like the vigorous and healthy field grown mj has ...
( If leaves could absorb all the wls from ~300 nm to ~ 800 nm,they would appear black
to humans .The less green is reflected (thus transmitted or absorbed ) ,the leaf appears
as darker green ...The less chloropyll content ,the more the leaves appear yellow or white ...
Higher N assimilation directly related with higher green wls absorption ,is a enough proof ,
that plants actually use green light ...What stops them really from using 100% of the incident green quantas ,is the nature of
Magnesium itself ,in ionised state *(/used as a center ion in both chlorophylls A& B )...
Thus the 5000K whites ..
Way more efficient than
any green monochromatic led ...
During the vegetative stage ,where N assimilation is at it's peak ..
You want more N to be assimilated ?
You got to provide enough green light ...
If you provide enough green light ,then the rest wls ,have also to increase in power ,
in order to minimise "neighbouring plant avoidance / competion syndrome " ..
(part of shade avoidance ,induced from excess green wls instead of excess FR) ..
Thus overall power should increase ....
Which other
monos, have to be used ,in order to increase power ?
That is easy to answer ...
Cannabis differs from other plants ,regarding their spectral signature ,in those wls :
- 670 nm (674-675 nm )
-720 nm
-800 nm
So ...
One led system ...for the chamber ...
CXA3070 3000K ,channel one -
The Basis Core
CXA3070 5000K channel two -
Extra Blue & Green power
Deep reds 670-680 nm channel three -
Extra Deep Red power
Far reds 720 & 800 nm channel four -
Extra FR power
In other words as mj 'ages' it transmits less FR (720 & 800 nm ) through it's leaves ...
It also reflects less FR ,proceeding into flowering ...
That means that actually those wls are being used !
Not while at vegetative growth early stages of mj ,neither while on the early
"transition to reproduction' stage ...
It will cause severe shade avoidance syndrome ...
(stretching ,sparse branching ,etc )
While in later stages of mid to end of flowering ,
FR can't cause SAS ,thus plants will not strecth ...
On the contrary ,those wls are being used ...'
So they are needed ...
Leaves are getting old and the production of new ones has ceased..
Old leaves are not able to efficient utilise certain wls as they used to ..
They tend to photosynthesise using more and more of FR wls ...
So ,might this be the holy grail of big fat dense buds ?
Might be ..
But for sure not by itself ..
Ain't enough ...
All the rest ,have to be done accordingly ,for the plant reaching constantly ,
it's genetic potential in certain aspects ...
By light manipulation of course ...
Green & blue when needed ,for healthy "childhood" ...
(later on -during flowering- to 'back off ' a bit, in power terms ... )
Deep reds ,gradually increasing ....
And FR for the 'end' (
my only friend the e
ndddd...) ,as the 'final boost ' ?
And a tad of
UV ,maybe ...