Cocain - Bit of concern..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I want to try coke, but I don't want to die xD.
Wondering if there is a way to know if your blood can process coke before actually trying it.


Well-Known Member
I heard that if your body can't process cocaine that you would die the first time though.
Wouldn't that mean just the littlest bit of it also?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking I'm just going to buy a flap 'cause I don't want to get addicted.
but I also don't want to die


Well-Known Member
Okay, well I guess sort of new question - Can you die from just doing a little bit if your body can't process it?


Active Member
your body can process it. i have been around cokeheads my entire life and seen many people start doing it.

remember, nothing is going to kill you if you do it in moderation.


Well-Known Member
dude, coke can be a great time!!
sex is real freaky!
drinking and bar hopping all night.
you'll talk to people that you normaly wouldn't.
and you might end up in a 4 hr conversation about nothing.
will you die? dont think you have that kind of money, you'll want to die when you run out tho. lol
will you be hooked instantly? lol no.
your being mindfucked with propaganda....odd comming from a cannabis web site.

moderation is the key. goes for all drugs and alcoholic.


Well-Known Member
I dont do coke often, BUT

My brother just picked some up and asked me if I wanted a line. (yes)
Im all zuited right now and It really is nice. My anxeity usually gets extremely bad (a reason why I dont really touch the stuff) but right now im on cloud nine. I had a beer and some bong tokes too. Try it. Knowledge is power. But as soon as you start coming down, youll want more.


Well-Known Member
quit being a puss about it man, if i were you i wouldnt even waste my time with coke, its not even worth the money that it cost, i mean i understand if you want to try it out, but i wouldnt get into that.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh... the wonderful behind the scenes action of cocaine.

Maybe when someone starts growing their own coke in the US, I will try it, but as of now, no way in hell am I supporting the violence that is undoubtedly associated with cocaine.

Bad karma all around, Flip... don't do it.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA -worst fuggin idea ever !!!-

i wanna try crystal meth.

i wanna try heroine.

i wanna try crack and/or cocaine.

i wanna be a junkie. 'cuz, yes, you will be instantly addicted. You try cocaine once and you WILL want more of it, even if it disgusts you that it is so.

do you really want to jump on a downward spiral that normally doesn't end until you are either in jail, dead, or at rock bottom ?!!?

do some friggin psychedelics and expand ur mind. or do something thats crazy addictive and be another addict. cigarette smokers are retarded. offense intended. they smoke just so they can try to feel normal again. some of the guys i work with sneak into the bathroom to smoke. they are all wheezing and shite.... mmmm.... must really be enjoying that ciggy.... wheeze, cough, cough, wheeze....


New Member
coke is nothing, nothing at all, coke is so lame, all it gives me is a hunger, it doesn't give me the kick i need, it never does, i refuse to pay for coke, because i know it is not worth the money. Pure mdma, now that rocks


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking I'm just going to buy a flap 'cause I don't want to get addicted.
but I also don't want to die
look if you know so little about the shit then stay away from it man,you sound really young to me,just leave it man


Well-Known Member
Okay, well I'm thinking I'm going to buy a flap today.
The only reason I'm because I'm close friends with my supplier and he honestly looks out for me lots :P.
He won't sell it to me again if I go fiending it, and he's really the only dealer that I go to.
Hamboner, I suppose 19's fairly young, but you only live once.


New Member
Just say no, it's not worth the money, time or effort. Coke is easy to cut with other shit and the quality was shitty 10 years ago, I can't imagine how bad it is today.

Stick with weed, you'll be glad you did. :blsmoke:

Yeah, I want to try coke, but I don't want to die xD.
Wondering if there is a way to know if your blood can process coke before actually trying it.