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Active Member
Not addicted? Listen to sound like you are in an utter state of panic about finding some. And totally ready to attack anyone who says you aren't an addict. Get off the marijuana forum, this is not for you.


Well-Known Member
Some of you are extremely judgmental, and downright ridiculous. I've been a member for less than a fucking week - way to make a guy feel welcome.... DRUGS are DRUGS.... Weed dealers know coke dealers.... Coke dealers know smack dealers... Smack dealers know pharm dealers.... That's just how it works guys. I see that my views and feelings on drugs is even more liberal than the potheads... I can't believe you guys are just gonna be dickheads saying I "invaded your forum," and "don't realize this isn't the place to discuss this." Well FUCK YOU.


You don't wanna read about it? Stay the fuck outta my thread then! You're the dumbass who clicked on the fuckin link anyways! And wasted your time typing up a response that isn't helpful whatsoever, so it's a waste of time! You really think I'm going to read those and think "hey they're right..... I'm never doing drugs again! I'm gonna go get a D.A.R.E. t-shirt RIGHT NOW!!!" Fuck THAT. It's MY body, it's MY choice! I personally like it, so I'm gonna do it, regardless! So if you're not going to type up advice about what this thread is even about, DON'T TYPE AT ALL!:cuss:

Some of you seem really cool. That's awesome, and it's how I thought it would be on here, but unfortunately, you are few and far between on this thread. Thanks for your help.

I'm not lying about jack shit. Why would I? What's my benefit of doing it?:roll:

I started it myself. I was visiting family in Philadelphia, and one of my bro's friends said he could hook me up while I was out there. My bro is diabetic, so I grabbed a couple of his needles and used those. He knew what was going on, so it's not like I snuck around stealing needles. He didn't mind....

I'm just looking to get a little more educated on how to get it, since honest to God, I lost my one and only source here. And it's NOT that fucking easy to just walk into a bar and look for coke... How the fuck do you do that? Just walk around and start asking people? Yeah, that'll last about 2 minutes before someone overhears you or finds out what you're doing and calls the cops... Then what? I know I'd get all the coke I could want in prison. However, I'd really hate to lose my job over something this pivotal.

Fuck, I won't even post here anymore if someone knows of a cocaine forum, or an "all drug" forum.
"DRUGS are DRUGS...." Brilliant! You read like an anti-. Such reasoning merely furthers the gateway theory.

Does your logic extend to the notion that caffeine equals heroin? Both drugs. DRUGS are DRUGS, right?

This ain't your thread, Junior. You started it, that's as far as it goes. This thread belongs to all of us.

If you are truly serious about leaving us in peace, Google your precious nose candy forum and move the fuck on.

And don't let the closing screen door hit your ass on the way out.


Active Member
"DRUGS are DRUGS...." Brilliant! You read like an anti-. Such logic merely furthers the gateway theory.

Does your logic extend to caffeine equals heroin? Both drugs. DRUGS are DRUGS, right?

This ain't your thread, Junior. You started it, that's as far as it goes. This thread belongs to all of us.

If you are truly serious about leaving us in peace, Google your precious nose candy forum and move the fuck on.

And don't let the closing screen door hit your ass on the way out.
FUCK YOU........ And the horse you rode in on!!!!!!


Active Member
know what? You guys are a BUNCH of piece of shit hypocrites!!!!!!!!
You think WEED is the answer to all problems??? It most fucking certainly is not......

COCAINE is a SCHEDULE II drug.... MARY FUCKING JANE is a SCHEDULE I drug..... Get caught with MJ??? Worse than COKE!!!!

Don't call me a junkie.... Junk is heroin, ok? I don't use heroin. Heroin is SCHEDULE I drug, which puts it up there with MARY JANE. A drug, that as far as SCIENTISTS can tell, has NO PURPOSE other than to fuck you up. As far as anyone who has spent over $100,000 on education and time in an environment studying this shit is concerned, that stuff has no point even existing. You wanna call it all a conspiracy??? Where are your facts stated? How do you know 100% sure that hemp was really used for all it was back in the day, besides seeing it somewhere that starts with http://....... Did George Washinton's diary clearly state that every day he went out and hacked his buds off to provide paper and clothes to the greater community???

Don't call me desperate, or an addict, ok? Because I've CLEARLY STATED that I have complete control over what I as an American Citizen consume. Which is roughly 1 gram of substance per year. As an American Citizen, I fall into the top 80% of the drug consumption of the world. Yes, 80% of the illicit drugs manufactured in the entire world are consumed in the good ol' United States of America. I'm looking for nothing more than a few like minded individuals for some advice on how to find a connection, since the one's I've came across have just pretty much fell into my lap. Now I actually have to put some effort into finding someone to hook me up. I thought maybe you guys could help. Apparently, I was WAY wrong!!

I don't give a fuck if some jackass got his head blown off for it. What, he doesn't have 2 feet to walk north? Sorry, I have no sympathy for any of those fuckers. If they wanna be happy in the town they were born and raised in, and take over the "family business," then that's the life (and risks!) they chose! Here's a little incite for you - there are homeless people all over the fuckin place up here where I live which is a mere 4 hour drive from the Canadian border. Do i feel bad for them?? NO! They choose to live in a cold climate! They want something more? WALK TO FLORIDA!!!!

What's the problem?! They don't have a job! They don't have anything keeping them here! They ain't got SHIT other than time! And the only method of transportation that is better than a 4 wheel drive is your own 2 feet! You can't climb a fucking mountain with a Chevy Silverado!! You want out of the cold? Start hoofin it buddy! Cuz there aint that much room at the shelter here! Supply and fucking demand. And they made their life choice to be a part of the supply.... And don't even think for one minute that those guys don't know what they're getting into. They know damn well what the risks are to that!!!

Cocaine is hardly different than marijuana. This website is mostly geared towards growers of weed. So, worst case scenario, if I get busted at ONE POINT with a gram of coke for my OWN USE, not distribution, I get what? 6 months of jail? Maybe a small fine? But, if I have just ONE marijuana plant, it's automatically assumed I'm a dealer, in posession of less than one ounce with intent to distrubute, and given a MINIMUM of 30 years in PRISON!!!!! No I don't live in Minnesota or Alaska. It's not decriminalized in the state I live in, so it's still considered a terrible thing to have here! So terrible, that it's worse than cocaine, which FY MOTHERFUCKING I, IS actually used BY DOCTORS and SURGEONS on a daily basis in all 50 states for opthamology, dentistry, and a handful of other practitioners as an anesthetic. And weed has what? Cancer patients? Glaucoma? In less than 10 states? Probably less than 5? Colorado and California are the only states I know off the top of my head. Guess what else the cancer patients get? OXYCONTIN... AKA Hillbilly heroin! They get Morphine, Methadone, and countless other opiates that are much worse than the 20 minute energy and euphoria boost you get from cocaine!!! Highly addictive opiate pain medication and sedatives.




Well-Known Member
im not trying to start anything here but some of yall need to f*cking lay off the guy. yes its true that yall are entitled to your opion but who are yall to judge someone on something that he chooses to do to his own body. what do yall think that just because you dont do it makes you holier than thou? i swear people flame others just to make them feel better about themselves when in actuallity it makes you look like a dick.


Active Member
I would stay clear of that sh1t man specially if you have a family to worry about, the biggest concern/problem with cocaine is that you can have a cardiac arrest in a heart beat, literally and it is progressively more addictive each hit you take.

I've witnessed two acquaintances have seizures and a heart attack on two separate occasions. Comparing it to marijuana as a drug for drug is ridiculous. I'm not hear to tell you what to do but honestly it's one of the most dangerous drugs out there, mite as well play Russian Rulet you'll get an even better rush if that's what your after. Just trying to help you out bro, seems like your in serious denial and could potentially be the next man on a stretcher going to the mortuary.

Now I am a hypocrite in a way because I've sniffed my share of blow in the past, but if I could go back i would never of fuc3ed with it, to many close calls and just like you I only did small amounts a few times a year and was never addicted but potential death is always a factor, huge risk everytime.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Yeah, coke is garbage dude. I wasnt suggesting to just walk in to a random bar and start asking people for it, I just meant its everywhere. And, herb has indeed solved alot of my problems so there!


Well-Known Member
if you want cocaine go talk to the CIA.
they are the ones in control of bringing it in to the country.
our weed is a domestic product.
you buy cocaine and you realy do give money to bad people.
grow your own... oh wait. you can't.
you have to rely on foreign nationals and their criminal ilk.
maybe drink a 12x espresso.


Well-Known Member
FUCK YOU........ And the horse you rode in on!!!!!!
You're breaking my heart. I'm damn near inconsolable. :-P

By the way, Brainiac. I never said don't do it. You want that monkey on your back? Fine with me.

However, coming here whining about negative responses and dictating who can and cannot post on a thread will elicit the exact same response from me as before.

So with that in mind, my horse and I both say to you: FUCK YOUR MOTHER!


Well-Known Member
rckstr dont listen too anyone if you want to shoot up, shoot up! its your life. as far as everyone telling him that this is a marijuana site to get off, this is a non marijuana thread,maybe you shouldnt be here commenting if you have such a problem with it. dude just asked for some advise not everyones two cents. People should learn too keep there comments too there self. didnt your parents teach you that " if you dont have something nice too say, dont say anything at all" RCKSTR if you wanna blast off go for it man

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
This is a marijuana forum and this is in the hallucinatory substance section.... Everyone is just giving their advice that cocaine is garbage which it is. Most people commenting like myself have probably had their share of terrible times associated with the powder.. so, when someone asks where they can score blow to shoot up..... it just seems kinda icky. This is a site dedicated to the sacred herb plant and its miraculous magical powers.. believe me, my friends use to call me Sniffhanger... I loved the shit.. then I realized the error of my ways and was saved by cannabis.... this guy coming straight up and asking where he can score blow to shoot up?!?! wtf? Not cool. Not the place... and dont say that cannabis lovers are no different than coke lovers... totally different.


Active Member
fuckin blows my mind that people still do this shit. nothing comes from using coke but unhappiness. everyone i know that uses the shit like that will eventually end up a junkie, just takes longer for others.
grow green, expand your mind.


Well-Known Member
WOW......what a thread! i have backtracked and read mostly all the posts here and i gota say MJ is the best way to go. I have done coke only a handful of times....and probably only had REALLY GOOD coke once. I must say, the good shit was REALLY good. Had me feeling all kinds of crazy...but every other time i tried it, the stuff was so cut up it was terrible. I would suggest only this....unless you can grow your own Coca plants and produce your own so you know it is legit i wouldnt be doing it. @least with the Ganja you know where it is coming from becuz you have grown it yourself!

just my 2 cents on this....

oh and BTW, i have read that you need close to 700 lbs of DRIED coca leaves to produce an ounce of coke so GOOD LUCK!



Well-Known Member
I agree too a point i no lots of people who have died over dosed aids all that shit, but you learn that its a personal choice and you could try too talk spmeone out of it untill your face turns blue, but in the end its a personal choice, HIS choice. And if he feels comfortable enough asking total strangers where too buy coke then good for him. HIS CHOICE
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