Coco Crouton, Who uses them?


Active Member
I was just wondering where all the other people are using coco in DWC.
Or at least who is using "Coco Not" in dwc.

I think "Chips" obviously work the same, It's just hard for me to get a hold of the slightly smaller "chip" bricks. But GH sells a Chip Brick for 3 bucks, anyone use that?

Bottom line, where all my coco-dwc brothers and sister at?
I was just wondering where all the other people are using coco in DWC.
Or at least who is using "Coco Not" in dwc.

I think "Chips" obviously work the same, It's just hard for me to get a hold of the slightly smaller "chip" bricks. But GH sells a Chip Brick for 3 bucks, anyone use that?

Bottom line, where all my coco-dwc brothers and sister at?
I use the chips in vegging. I use 4" pots in an ebb and flow environment. When it comes time to flower they get transplanted into coco coir (the fine stuff) and suffer no stress because the roots are not disturbed.



Active Member
i use croutons in 5" dwc pots with a cooler reservoir, and also in little hempy buckets. Great so far but i have had cal/mag issues. Don't know if these issues were coco related but around 5ml/gal of cal/mag plus set me right.