Coco grow - Super Silver Haze, Blue Cheese and Trainwreck


Well-Known Member
Don you are still ahead of me, the earliest I chop I am looking at is January time. How the hell am I supposed to wait that long. Perhaps snow could teach me a lesson in patience.

Ya better jump on the train Snow, I also got my smart "air" pots ready.
I'm on board already mate! ;)

Patience, me.....hahahahaha, my mrs would piss herself laughing. But I have been quite stubborn about taking anything early. I am not a patient man though.....far from it!

i know he's that patience of a saint, but once your perpetual is rollin your set for life, ive not run dry in over a year now.
the patience of a saint....LOL.....again, I can just picture my mrs laughing so hard at that!

I had that dialed in too man, got about 3 grows in a row, harvested one, still had bud left from the last harvest. Nice. That's how I want to keep it. I got lazy though, mites and hermies took over, I got pissed off with it all and turned things off for a bit. I won't let that happen again.

My patience has run out now anyway. Just took 2 x BC branches and 1 x TW branch. I'll get some pics up of my early buds in a bit. That's 3 down, still 40+ more to go! hehehehe :)


Well-Known Member
I'm on board already mate! ;)

Patience, me.....hahahahaha, my mrs would piss herself laughing. But I have been quite stubborn about taking anything early. I am not a patient man though.....far from it!

the patience of a saint....LOL.....again, I can just picture my mrs laughing so hard at that!

I had that dialed in too man, got about 3 grows in a row, harvested one, still had bud left from the last harvest. Nice. That's how I want to keep it. I got lazy though, mites and hermies took over, I got pissed off with it all and turned things off for a bit. I won't let that happen again.

My patience has run out now anyway. Just took 2 x BC branches and 1 x TW branch. I'll get some pics up of my early buds in a bit. That's 3 down, still 40+ more to go! hehehehe :)

yeeeaaaah, cannot wait for your smoke report.

On a side note I am gonna try 2 harvests with OG. Since I have smoked the bud from the OG clones I got, its top notch, I might leave some of the pop corn, at 8-9 weeks take of the top colas then let the popcorn ripe, i havent seen too many folks try this but we'll see.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member

Resistance is futile when you have such :leaf:lush :leaf:frosted :leaf:green:leaf: buds:leaf:. :bigjoint:

How you drying your cuts?:weed:

I put mine on top of the tv to speed things up a little. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Here we go then....

TW on the right, then the other two are BC's, both from different plants.

This is how I'm 'quick' drying this lot. In a small box that I will place on top of a radiator all day while the mrs is at work. Then before she gets home, I will have to move them down to my shed for the night. Or the house will be stinking!! Around 36-48 hours and I should have something smokeable.

For drying the main harvest, I will have a BIG cardboard box, I will put my dehumidifer in there and also run a 4" exhaust as an extractor from the box, hooked up to my 4" carbon filter. This will live in the loft.



Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahaha it could only last so long man. :) get ya smoke ooooon.

look delicious man frosty fat nuggets! you ever run the dehumidifier in your grow? really swells up the crystals in the last couple of days before the cop ;)

nice buds fella!


Well-Known Member
hahahaha it could only last so long man. :) get ya smoke ooooon.
I'm kinda dissapointed in myself to be honest, cos I know they needed a bit longer. But, like I said before, needs must and I've still got.....well, a shed load of weed that I can finish properly. I'll probably still cut down a BC or the TW on Sunday though, then let the rest just do their thing.


Well-Known Member
Out on the game on pre order. Got the day off work with a couple of mates. Sad I know! But I'm very excited, especially now I'll have some buds to smoke too! :bigjoint:

Looks totally f*ckin' sick!!!!!! Can't wait!


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man im totally excited too but im not getting it until after xmas, gonna wait n get a bitchin new tv to play in HD tho i can see myself breaking and buying it next week...


Well-Known Member
man im totally excited too but im not getting it until after xmas, gonna wait n get a bitchin new tv to play in HD tho i can see myself breaking and buying it next week... know your gonna have to buy it next week. What's this waiting business! LOL

Have you not seen the trailer?


and multiplayer! you know that's where it's at!


I understand about the HD side though....that's why I play it on my PC....none of this 1080p nonsense....I run at 1200p on my PC. So slick! Alienware!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol alienware eh ahaha xbox all the way man, ive been trying to convince the missus we need a new flatscreen but i should be paying debt off not buying feck off big tellies...

i know im gutted really.


Well-Known Member
lol alienware eh ahaha xbox all the way man, ive been trying to convince the missus we need a new flatscreen but i should be paying debt off not buying feck off big tellies...

i know im gutted really.
LOL....debt.....ummm, well, lets not go there eh. But yeah man...Alienware is where it's at for me bro. I sold my Pioneers last year and got a kickass Alienware laptop for my music. It is my portable (in a bulky kind of way) and complete home entertainment and DJ/Producer system. Hook up a PA and I can rock any party with it. Get home and play some COD. Or watch a blu ray. Love it. It's great when I'm travelling with work. I miss my pioneers, but not enough to regret selling them to fund the laptop.

I can't play COD on a console. Just not used to the controls. But it's still totally essential, however you play it.

My house it stikin' so bad (or good) right now. hehehehe. Just from those few branches. Had to light some candles!!


Well-Known Member
back on topic......they are STINKING!!! :bigjoint:

Here we go then....

TW on the right, then the other two are BC's, both from different plants.

This is how I'm 'quick' drying this lot. In a small box that I will place on top of a radiator all day while the mrs is at work. Then before she gets home, I will have to move them down to my shed for the night. Or the house will be stinking!! Around 36-48 hours and I should have something smokeable.

For drying the main harvest, I will have a BIG cardboard box, I will put my dehumidifer in there and also run a 4" exhaust as an extractor from the box, hooked up to my 4" carbon filter. This will live in the loft.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
woop wooop yeah dont mention the D word lol

i probably will end up getting COD anyway( ill probably end up getting a feck off big tv too, now that really will get the missus riled up )

man imagine chopping multiple plants down. that's the only time my filter doesn't manage to cover the smell, i've decanted my jar of ONA into a couple of jars and put them around the hallway and grow room etc.


Well-Known Member
probably bout a half there give or take a g???
I'll let you know mate. Turned my heating up a bit to keep the radiators hot.

Bit of macro where near subcool picture standards, but I don't have a fancy ass camera, or lens flash, tripod etc.....but not bad given my shakey hands.

but you can see that it is not really ready yet! Little to no amber that I can see.


Well-Known Member
Thats some handsome bud you got there Snow, nice job. I'm not at all patient but as long as i've got something smoke i can leave the tent alone.
I know fuck all about computer games, i got a psp to play with if i stay out with work but i've barely touched it. I usually take my skateboard if i know i'm gonna be out and find an indoor skatepark to skate that night and yes i probably am too old for a skateboard lol but i've been doing it since i was 12 and still love it, the days of doing 12 stair handrails are behind me though

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man one thing i've learned over the year i've been doing this is that even early weed without ambers will still kick you on your arse. im sure you wont be disappointed!


Well-Known Member
Nice bit of tasty treats there Snowy.
They'll go down nicely ;)
Definitely early tastets, but a mans gotta do, what a mans...
Love the macro action though, nice.

Remember, amber is the down side of weed, and who wants that?
All cloudy for me every time ;)


Well-Known Member
Thats some handsome bud you got there Snow, nice job. I'm not at all patient but as long as i've got something smoke i can leave the tent alone.
I know fuck all about computer games, i got a psp to play with if i stay out with work but i've barely touched it. I usually take my skateboard if i know i'm gonna be out and find an indoor skatepark to skate that night and yes i probably am too old for a skateboard lol but i've been doing it since i was 12 and still love it, the days of doing 12 stair handrails are behind me though
Cheers man....I'm v pleased and even more pleased that there is still so much more to come, dealing with drying it all and the stench is my next challenge though. But that's a challenge I REALLY like.

Tony Hawkes you say! LOL....that's about as close to skate boarding as I ever got. I was a bit of a roller skater long ago, but not any longer. Fair play to you though man. Keep at it.

man one thing i've learned over the year i've been doing this is that even early weed without ambers will still kick you on your arse. im sure you wont be disappointed!
yeah man....I've smoked much earlier buds before myself and still got wasted. No doubt. I just want to push this grow to the max and now that I will have something to smoke, I can really do that. I think I'd kind of lost sight of how much bud I have in there!