Cod 4


Well-Known Member
I know some of you guys play online. Just wanted to start a thread, and maybe connect some of us stoners to play online together.

What system do you play it on: Xbox 360

Kill-death ratio: 1.41

Favorite gametype: Ground War (lots of people and it mixes it up)

Favorite map: Shipment for headquarters and Strike for everything else. I HATE The Bloc.

Favorite gun: M4 red dot. I hate M-16, shoot someone once in the foot, trash. I am an above average sniper, but I never use it.

Skill level(1-10): 8

Best streak: 24

Best game: Playing shipment on headquarters one game I went: 105 kills, 20 assist and 32 deaths.

My good friend/roommate is the best player I have ever seen at the game. His kill-death ratio is freaking 2.48! His longest streak is also 47, and he is not a camper what so ever. He leaves me awe all the time, and Ive been playing first person shooters since Halo2 with him. He also only has 1 challenge left, on his 55 gold cross. He already has every weapon challenge, he only lacks one of the ones where u have to set off a chain reaction of enemy explosives.

Feel free to post yalls gamertags. My list is about full, so if you wanna add me, let me know or send me a message.

Who is ready for Modern Warfare 2? I get a boner every time they show a preview during the NBA playoffs haha.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I just bought a 360 a few weeks ago. I bought World at War instead of COD 4 cause I had already played 4 a ton at a friends. I can't wait for Modern Warfare 2.


Well-Known Member
I cant wait for COD:MW2 man I just want to smoke so much weed so it keeps me asleep till the game comes out lol
time would fuckin fly :p


cod 4 and 5 are both unreal!
i like cod 4 a bit better, but cod 5 is a little nicer for things other than gameplay (coop, stats, etc) imo of course.


Well-Known Member
i had all of the gold guns, twice. have about 150k total kills, 50 days played, and a kill ratio of like 1.5 all combined 3 accounts. my kill streak was like 28 and best game was domiation on shipment. i went 140-40-35, it was crazy non-stop killing the whole time.


Well-Known Member
PS3 cod 4 is still the best bro!
i dont wanna start a ps3 vs xbox 360 battle !
lets just name the winner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I played cod4 for about a year on computer...then codwaw, but got tired of it quick as the gameplay is very much like im waiting on AA3