Cold air and spider mites....


New Member
Was told to put an a/c in the window and leave it running overnite to get the room as cold as possible to kill spider mites....anyone ever heard this or tried it?


Well-Known Member
It won't kill just slows them down some so they don't reproduce as quickly.


Well-Known Member
I fought a mite problem, in my large room, for over 2 years. They disappear until my 2nd or 3rd week of flowering, then I notice 1 or 2 plants in the back of the room have some minor damage, and then it slowly spreads to the weaker plants in the room. Here are my suggestions:

I keep a 5 gallon container of Mighty Wash (NPK INdustries- look them up), which is water infused with a frequency charge which can be used up to day of harvest. It's expensive but it does work. Apply with the lights off, and then after an hour or two, I wash the plants off removing the Mighty Wash and dead mites. Do this every 3 days, 3X but it can be done daily if you wish. I also do the outside of the pots, walls, floors, etc. After the crop ends, I use straight chlorox and wash the room down, including the empty pots to make sure the bleach hits EVERYTHING. Wipe the lights, fans, fertilizer containers, etc. with chlorox wipes too. The mites can go dormant for months and can live in cracks in the floor or walls, etc.

Lowering the temps helps slow them down, as does running fans at high blowing on the plants. The mites always rise to the tops of the plants, where it is warmer, which they like. Pay particular attention to your plants daily, to nip infections early. Leaves that are heavily infested are removed from the plants, lowering yield, but it reduces the population quickly.

I have used Forbid, Floramite and Avid in veg.........I don't recommend them in flowering. These are expensive, but you can buy small amounts on Ebay for around $20. The key to all of these is making sure your spray has 100% coverage. If you miss even just a few a week or so they will be back with a vengeance. The hot pepper mixes Ed mentioned impart a spicey (hot) taste to your buds- I would not use them ever again. I have used a cold-water spray, shooting them under the leaves and this can knock them off the leaves too but it's only a temporary measure.

Lastly, be not wait until the mites show themselves. If they do, it could be too late. I should also mention LIquid Ladybug, which uses natural oils that suffocate the mites and evaporate off the plants after an hour or so. It's mildly effective, but does work too. And can also be used up to harvest. BUT, it's always best to try to take care of any issues before flowering or the plants health, and therefore yield and quality will suffer.


Well-Known Member
A few additional thoughts.....

After every crop I bomb my rooms with Doktor Doom Total Release Foggers.......these are very safe and will basically kill any residual bugs in the room. Doktor Doom also make a great mite product, Spider Mite Knock Out which has a very high dose of a natural pyrethrin formula which kills mites very well and breaks down in just a few hours and requires just a light misting.

Predators (beneficial insects) only work to inhibit an early infestation. Use them before you see any mites as a preventative. Once the mites arrive, they are almost useless since mites can multiply WAY faster then the predators. Basically, don't waste your money on these unless you use them early in your crop.

Out of Avid, Floramite and Forbid...I believe Floramite is probably the best since it's approved for many vegetables, is not systemic, lasts for 28 days on the plants, kills both mites and eggs but must be applied to both the top and bottom of leaves. Forbid features translaminar activity, which mean sprays just the tops or bottoms of leaves and it travels by itself to the other side of the leaf.

Something called Pylon is one of the newest available miticides and kills every type of mite (and is also translaminar) with 27 day residuals, but 8 oz costs $538. Yup, $538!

Again, pay attention to your plants EVERYDAY........have your supplies on hand, and applying things early in the infestation will help keep the mites to a minimum and your crop healthy.


Well-Known Member
Yup......neem is a bit smelly for me and in flowering it will kill back the white hairs (stomata's)- not good. Azamax/Azatrol/Azasol are concentrated by-products of neem and quite effect too, without the smell. Safer's 3 in 1 Garden Spray and Einstein Oil are also good choices for regular early control.


Active Member
Yup......neem is a bit smelly for me and in flowering it will kill back the white hairs (stomata's)- not good. Azamax/Azatrol/Azasol are concentrated by-products of neem and quite effect too, without the smell. Safer's 3 in 1 Garden Spray and Einstein Oil are also good choices for regular early control.
Hey bro the white hairs aren't somata. Somata is the small mouth-like or nose like microscopic openings on the underside of the leaves. The somata is responsible for transpiration and many other life functions. The millions of somata must be kept clean to function properly so I could see how the neem oil could clog them up.


Active Member
Cold air makes mites go dormant they will go somewhere and hide where it's warmer, like in cracks and base boards. So sticky traps to catch them running would be great. But I would spray with avid or mighty wash if your still in veg. It would be more effective then the cold air.

Keep foliage of the soil. I like the prune off a foot from the soil that keeps a lot of bugs of my leaves it really helps with the pests.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro the white hairs aren't somata. Somata is the small mouth-like or nose like microscopic openings on the underside of the leaves. The somata is responsible for transpiration and many other life functions. The millions of somata must be kept clean to function properly so I could see how the neem oil could clog them up.
Well, the stigmas (I think that's what they are called actually) dry up and die when hit by many of the products mentioned in previous posts. That process probably delays flowering a bit. That's why many manufacturers mention only applying their products in veg, not flowering.

Hot Shots and products like those are carcinogenic (cancer causing) and not recommended under any circumstances! I imagine their vapors are absorbed by plant material and although they may be mildly effective, it's the last product I would EVER use in my rooms. But some people do swear by them........until they acquire cancer in 15 years. LOL


New Member
quit fucking around and get some avid and bayer forbid. dunk all clones including 1/3 of there roots
spray all plants

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Yup......neem is a bit smelly for me and in flowering it will kill back the white hairs (stomata's)- not good. Azamax/Azatrol/Azasol are concentrated by-products of neem and quite effect too, without the smell. Safer's 3 in 1 Garden Spray and Einstein Oil are also good choices for regular early control.
i use the Einstein oil also, love that stuff. iT is cold pressed neem. and as i said, i only use in veg. i don't spray anything in flower.


Active Member
Well, the stigmas (I think that's what they are called actually) dry up and die when hit by many of the products mentioned in previous posts. That process probably delays flowering a bit. That's why many manufacturers mention only applying their products in veg, not flowering.

Hot Shots and products like those are carcinogenic (cancer causing) and not recommended under any circumstances! I imagine their vapors are absorbed by plant material and although they may be mildly effective, it's the last product I would EVER use in my rooms. But some people do swear by them........until they acquire cancer in 15 years. LOL
So mighty wash causes cancer?


Well-Known Member
I never said that. Mighty Wash is 99% water and there is a demonstration on youtube showing someone drinking it. It's very safe for plants and humans. The Hot Shots label says the product is carcinogenic, essentially the vapors. I meant products like Hot Shots (there are a number on the market) are dangerous to humans and plants can absorb vapors in the air such as these. So, there are better choices for mite destruction than Hot Shots and the like.