Collect that rainwater...2 PPM!


Well-Known Member
I am 4 weeks 12/12 and about 3 weeks flower. I have two tanks, a bunch of 5 gallon buckets and 15 gallon totes under the eave of my house. I check the ppm of this stuff and it is 2-5! water here is 130 which still isn't too bad.

I want the best crop i can get. I pay for high grade nutrients and additives, high lighting output, large pots, why not give the plant high quality water?

Attached is a picture of how i am doing this. I have a 60 gallon tank that sits under the eave and a pump pumps the water to another tank in which i grab water from. Once or twice a day i will also empty the 5 gallon and 15 gallon buckets into the tank.

I'm sure this has went through everyone's head a few times but it is a great alternative to installing an RO system.



Active Member
yes its raining in socal and i put my big blue tub out earlier ill Check my ph i usually run my water through a pre filter and let it set out for 24 hours


Well-Known Member
curious to what ppm your rainwater is in socal? a better idea to collect rain water would be do connect a flex line to the downspout of the gutter to a trashcan or something of sort.