Collective Dream Journal


Smoky McPot's first ever collective dream journal. If it's not the first then I apologize. Everyone that can remember their dreams should post them every day. Make sure to explain characters. Like if a random friend is dong something. Explain the friend and/or how you know them. And if you have a real-life reason for something being in your dream, please share. Dreams are fucked up.


Well-Known Member
I've had almost the same dream every night for the past 2 years... ever since the baddness happen:(


Well-Known Member
well... I dream that I'm like at some hughe fuckin mantion on a mountain with lakes and summer... and snow? and skiing... and lots of weed plants and animals and fishtanks alover the place... its kind of like a museum/ zoo mantion... and theres lots of people there that I dont know but i feel like they belong their and that there just visiting. and I own the place. and all my friends and families there and people I havent seen for years. and than I'm always doing some different crazy shit... but its always in the same place, but sometimes theres new rooms... I dont know I'm pissed when i wake up!


Well-Known Member
last night i had a dream i was heading home through a downtown area with a faceless friend. we were really hungry, talking bullshit while running around. i was freerunning the whole way, you know, climbing on shit, jumping off. flips, wall-kicks; it was a fun dream :)

right before i was woke up by the phone ringing irl we came across three empty pizza boxes. they were humongous, i opened one up and yelled into it and it echoed :)
i was so amazed by the size of the boxes i didn't care that i was still hungry

i woke up and ate a few bowls of chili


Well-Known Member
crazy pizza box... I went to a pizzeria this summer and there slices took 3 plates to hold... it was almost as big as a whole pie :)


Smoky McPot
I had a dream last nite that I was boning one of my best friends whos a girl BTW, like 4 times a day so everything was awesome until her sister was murdered and I had to head up the murder investigation. Pretty fucking weird


Well-Known Member
i had a dream last night about a lamp that is haunted in my house. it always turns on and off by itself. also it brings ghosts into my house. so far i have had different versions of this dream a couple of times. also late last night i was reading stephen kings salems lot which involves a big ole haunted house lol. it seems dreams may be our subconscious speaking and working. i have always been very interested in dreams. i believe they hold a lot of important information and symbolism about our lives.