Colorado and Washington legalize cannabis: what does it actually mean?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Fair enough. Realistically however, if you were to get pulled over in Co with less than an ounce and a receipt is the cop going to give a shit? Barring other offenses it can't be worth his time and paperwork to hassle you. Once you're in NM it's just your prescription. (Assuming you keep your nose clean). I just don't see it being a problem on a state level so long as you're not doing stupid shit.
I'm too old for stupid shit. I've moved on to forgetful shit. :p


There's the rub. If I get busted for possession and even if it's a misdemeanor, I lose my card. Forever. I'm going across state lines and I think that's considered a federal trafficking violation, but, I'm not sure. I'm perfectly legal in both states to have Cannabis. I don't know. I'm so confused.
There's something in the AZ regulation that states something like (I may be wrong) that you may not use your card to purchase in another state, but you can have another patient from that state purchase for you as long as they are a card holder. Unless you are a card holder as well there. Considering it's legal there they and everyones allowed to purchase I don't see what the problem would be. I'm no lawyer though.


Active Member
I hear that! While of course your best source of information is a lawyer I still can't think of one good reason why your idea wouldn't work in practice so long as you're reasonable and not moving pounds. Not knowing just how far you'd have to travel, moving an ounce at a time seems worthwhile to me.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
There's something in the AZ regulation that states something like (I may be wrong) that you may not use your card to purchase in another state, but you can have another patient from that state purchase for you as long as they are a card holder. Unless you are a card holder as well there. Considering it's legal there they and everyones allowed to purchase I don't see what the problem would be. I'm no lawyer though.
I know Arizona allows people from other states with cards to purchase product. I think Rhode Island and Montana do as well. There's one more but I can't think of it off the top of my head. That's the forgetful shit. :p


So in NM you have to purchase from a provider? There is no provision to be able to grow your own? Someone mentioned matching genetics, but if your allowed to grow your own they wouldn't have all the genetics.


Ursus marijanus
That's simple. They take genetic samples from every strain the producers grow. They can match it up and if it doesn't match? I'm busted.
That would be a very expensive assay. My guess is that they'll simply say crossing the state line is an offense.
I would anticipate checkpoints at CO's interstate entry/exit points, like CA has for purposes of keeping ag pests out. cn

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I have a unique question. I live in a medical state. I have a medical card. Here's the problem. We have 8,059 medical cannabis recipients in New Mexico (and growing). We have about 25 producers. They're only allowed to grow 99 plants. The Department of Health is refusing to allow any more producers. You don't even have to do the math realize there isn't enough to go around. It's on a first come, first served basis. Some producers have restricted selling cannabis only to locals. This creates a larger burden on the rest of the producers trying to supply the entire state. We pay delivery fees on top of price of product plus tax.

I live about an hour from Durango, Colorado. Once they start selling cannabis legally it will be available to anyone with an I.D. Here's the question: Since New Mexico is a medical state and Colorado is a legalized/medical state, would I get in trouble for purchasing weed in Colorado and driving home with it to New Mexico? Would that be considered trafficking if I'm buying it for personal use? In Colorado it's legal for everyone. Once I hit the New Mexico state line I'm a legal card carrying medical marijuana recipient. Anyone have any ideas?

Here's my thinking. One less person buying from producers allows someone else access. Some producers are even asking customers to buy enough to get them through the week. Others are setting limits per person. It would take the burden off producers if enough of us could buy in Colorado. The limit allowed is an oz. so it's not like we're going buy in bulk and then resell it.
Yes. Transporting a schedule 1 narcotic across state lines is a felony. Does not matter if it's medical, or state legal.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
That would be a very expensive assay. My guess is that they'll simply say crossing the state line is an offense.
I would anticipate checkpoints at CO's interstate entry/exit points, like CA has for purposes of keeping ag pests out. cn
That seems unconstitutional to pull over everyone at a check point without reasonable cause.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
What if you don't have weed though? I'm sure thousands of cars go between those states every day. The mere fact that they happen to be driving across state lines doesn't seem like it's enough to violate their 4th amendment rights.


Active Member
When a government feels the need to repeatedly tell the people that they are "free" and have "rights", it means that they probably DON'T have freedom or rights (or at least not nearly as much as they think)...they SAY one thing, but DO the's having your cake and eating it too...a lie told often enough becomes the truth...If they think they can bust a couple of people trafficking weed across state lines, they won't think twice about infringing on the rights of the innocent majority. There's money to be made in arresting people. Isn't that what's been happening for years?


Well-Known Member
some are complaining about the limits that come with legalization in WA and CO and while 1 ounce and only 6 plants (if you grow regs that would be 3 females on avg) isnt very much the idea (imo) is to deter those growing for profit (hard to "get rich" if you follow the limits) and its to deter the gov't from getting involved.

even if the gov't moves to block the propositions from going through the worst case scenario is there wont be retail outlets to buy marijuana. you'll still be able to grow it and possess it and since the limits are so low it wont be worth the govt's resources to chase down folks with only a few plants and 1 ounce of bud.

the only issue i see with it is you're allowed 6 plants but only 1 ounce. even most n00bs can net more than 1 ounce from 6 plants on their first grow. thats my only issue with the limits. i think its slightly a "trap" in some ways.

and i realize most will say "just keep your excess at home and keep your mouth shut" but im just saying for arguments sake its gonna be hard for those who want to follow the law to the T. someone should have asked real mj growers for their input on the whole 1oz and 6 plant limit bcuz most of us would have said its setting us up to break the law. just sayin.