Colorado Growers


Active Member
Around What Time Would Be Good To Bring Seedlings Outdoors? Went To My Baby I Put Out There And The Stocks Split And Died. Oh Well I Guess Ill Just Start Over Again.


Well-Known Member
is that enough time though for a plant to grow from late april? or should you start a good veg early on and then transplant by late april?


Well-Known Member
it moreso depends on when the plant/strain will finish as opposed to when you start it. both ways are suitable if the strains flowering period is workable in your area. obviously starting early is your best bet, as the plant will be stronger/bigger when you put it outside giving it a better chance of survival.



I start april 20th and harvest in sept. different location in may harvest in october.


Well-Known Member
Alright people its time to start staking the claims and looking for spots...there are so many beautiful place does any one know a good place to start?


Well-Known Member
Its time to start Hiking folks cant beat this fucking weather...This shit aint right almost seventy in feb? fuck if it ain't gonna snow im gonna grow!!!!


Well-Known Member
Seriously Mile, this is some crazy weather were getting. Just moved here myself. many problems with choppers in CO?


Well-Known Member
Around What Time Would Be Good To Bring Seedlings Outdoors? Went To My Baby I Put Out There And The Stocks Split And Died. Oh Well I Guess Ill Just Start Over Again.
After April, start them indoors and make sure you harden them off before putting them out.


Well-Known Member
In our grow zone the agriculture rated last frost date is may 17th if that helps. I am one state over but born and raised there and in the same zone but on the other side of the hills now.


Well-Known Member
yeah i wish i had a grow season like the tropics here in the appalachians ... but i wont rush them outdoors too soon .. nothing will kill little plants faster than frost.. besides deer .. early plant is like mid april .. late is like end of march .. ill start in the median of the two lol .. but i expect bigger (and more) plants this year now that i know how to prepare to the fullest and keep away pests ..