Colorado Laws Of Marijuana


I have a lil project going and noticed today that one of the plants is kinda towering over everything that hides it. I dont have License. My mother and I are looking for people in our area who can help us obtain a MML. I live in south eastern area.
if anybody can help us with the laws and if we were to get busted for 2 plants could the cops do anything to us ?

If anybody lives in the southeastern area of CO and would like to help us please PM me.



Well-Known Member
no I live near denver, but i do know a few people in CO that are legal, one of them is a member on this site.


Well-Known Member
First..... Well *newley educated noob* that lives in Southern Colorado growing 2 plants illegally. Nice to meet you! Don't incriminate yourself on this website. Idiot.
Second, it isn't hard to obtain this license for I have one due to cancer. If you have a legitimate illness you can obtain one through

seriously dipshit, it just took me less than 20 seconds to LITTERALLY find you.

get a mod to delete your info or get your commissary money ready.


Well-Known Member
done, bud porn instead. lol seriously was not smart. lesson learned i'm sure.


Well-Known Member
matter at hand - will have you state laws and the corresponding punishments and should also be able to help you get legal.

tall plants in plain view, first and last name posted.....good luck man.


there still vegging
and nobody can see them unless your looking right in our yard.
i was holding back all the stuff thats actually covering them from plan sight so you can see them in the picture.
i put a lil stress on the smaller one it has 4 fingers on some of the last few tears.
Ive had friends come over that never noticed and i never told them other wise.
i was simply inquiring about the laws or penalties for having just 1 plant.


thank you for being courteous.
and i have checked norml and i believe its 500 dollars and 30 days in jail for one plant


Well-Known Member
thank you for being courteous.
and i have checked norml and i believe its 500 dollars and 30 days in jail for one plant
thats not too bad. in IL up to 5 is a misdeameanor with no jail for first offence.

id seriously look into going medical if i lived in CO.


i apologize for my initial mistake but im no noob to growing or smoking, i dont know much about strains or never bought from a seed bank. i do plan on getting my mother on the card definatly.
she smokes for her pain but its always shwagg and im not paying high dollar when i can grow her some if i get her on the card etc etc
plus ill probably need to get on it somehow to protect my rights.
i just need to motivate her a little more to get her to the doctor is all.
if anybody lives in CO and would like to help us get the ball rolling please send me a PM.