coming out (because) I am Japanese


Well-Known Member
We are all bigots..... common people stop the BS!
Wait I got to put away my horns and go knock the dust of my Halo.:peace:


Well-Known Member
My daughter hated being called gaijin when we were in Japan and she was in school -- but not as much as she hated being called a spic or a redskin when she was in school here in the states... She's at a school now that she doesn't get made fun of at, but that's because she hides her heritage, and her mom thinks it's ok. She won't even speak any language except English, now. A shame that a 12 year old, in 2012 thinks she has to abandon her racial heritage to fit in.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Wow.....that's brutal. And really sad.

I know you're kidding though...never seen anything like that from ya before.

A business partner of mine is a brother, he never uses any kind of ebonics around me or anyone professional, ever. But when his buddies come around, they all say that shit. I had to ask them to knock it off around me, it drives me nuts. They respect that. If they want the dank...better have respect damnit LOL :).
I'm a brother to... I've got 2 siblings...