compact floresent lights (tubes)Help!!


Well-Known Member
its not what you know ... its the way you spoke to the OP off the bat .... i now dont care how much experience you have .... you could have crossed half the strains of anything in the world from fruit tree to MJ, you spoke to the fella like he was dirt.... you have not apologised for the way you spoke to him/her so you are just another ill mannered fuck-tard

i've had 40 years experience.... blah blah blah, maybe you should have spent 5 minutes working on your people skills and maybe folks would warm to you better.

what you have said makes sense as massah has explained.... but the way you said it has caused offence (not only to the OP, but now all new growers think your a twat).... so plese stop trying to explain how great you are, say sorry for being a jerk and forget it!
The very nature of message boards does not allow us to see facial expressions or hear tone of voice, therefore it is very easy to misinterpret just about everything. I've been accused of posting angrily due to my avatar in the past, people see a pissed off grizzly bear and assume that is my nature...when it only represents me being a Chicago Bear fan. I would imagine if Brick Top were sitting in front of you having a normal dialogue as opposed to the bullshit internet, you would find that he isn't as condescending in person. I have a sales back round as well, although mine was in the construction supply industry. I also have 2 years of horticultural training both in classroom and obviously lab times outdoors. Do these things give me an advantage over 95% of other posters here?...damn right they do. So, if you cannot handle someone being a little condescending on the internet, then I don't know what to tell you. Quite frankly, many of you are lucky we are trying to help you at all with your piss poor attitudes.


Well-Known Member
The answer to that is however far away from your plants your trashcan is.

Buy some HID lighting. You will be glad you did.
need i say more??? it don't take much to understand what was said and how it was said.... and how it was ment

but i take your point, and i really can't be bothered to argue.... Brick top might be an alright bloke, who's company might be a wealth of information and good times. but I for one will not take part in a thread that features his self obsessed rubbish... (nd i'd thank him to steer clear of mine)

not once have i seen him say sorry for any offence he may of cause ..... well to be honest i can say that for fact... because i feel asleep halfway through him telling everyone how much better then them he is.... and how much he knows and they don't

sorry to have taken up your time... it takes a special kind of twat to get my back up

Brick Top

New Member
Brick top might be an alright bloke, who's company might be a wealth of information and good times. but I for one will not take part in a thread that features his self obsessed rubbish... (nd i'd thank him to steer clear of mine)

not once have i seen him say sorry for any offence he may of cause .....
Just because you have not seen me apologize since you joined on August 8th of this year, 3 months and 13 days ago, does not mean in my 7,717, or is it 7,718 posts now, that I have never done so. I have, when it was warranted. But not just because someone had emotions like a little girl or emotions like a hormonal driven PMSing girl or some dame going through menopause.

My advice to you is to man-up, grow a pair and then grow some hair on them .... and then shave it off for the ladies ...... but start packing the gear you will need to get though life because no one likes a whiny little girly-boy.


Well-Known Member
just because someone had emotions like a little girl or emotions like a hormonal driven PMSing girl or some dame going through menopause.

My advice to you is to man-up, grow a pair and then grow some hair on them .... and then shave it off for the ladies ...... but start packing the gear you will need to get though life because no one likes a whiny little girly-boy.
I came...I saw...I lol'ed :D


Well-Known Member
Wow, this thread sure turned into a free-for-all, lol!

I apologize if this offends anybody, but I'm kind of chuckling to myself.

I'm picturing the OP - laughing, because #1, they're fully aware that HID's are more efficient.
And 2, they're already using a HPS light for flowering, and the flouro is only being used for vegging, or clones, or little seedlings!


All they asked was how far away should the light be, nothing more.

LOL, people are funny!


Well-Known Member
Just because you have not seen me apologize since you joined on August 8th of this year, 3 months and 13 days ago, does not mean in my 7,717, or is it 7,718 posts now, that I have never done so. I have, when it was warranted. But not just because someone had emotions like a little girl or emotions like a hormonal driven PMSing girl or some dame going through menopause.

My advice to you is to man-up, grow a pair and then grow some hair on them .... and then shave it off for the ladies ...... but start packing the gear you will need to get though life because no one likes a whiny little girly-boy.

grow some?... thats coming from the big mouth that aint got the minerals to say sorry for causing offence to cfl growers.... and new growers in general

don't expect any less from you to be hnest .... its typical

yeah you have posted more then me... you have been growing longer then me... breathing longer then me.... can you guess where this is heading?

i'm not the one having to defend my attitude enough said.....or have others defend me... enough said ... i have tried to help the guy with his question (unlike you) enough said...

i aint got time to waiste on you .... and i'm guessing you aint got much time to be bothered with me... so thank you for your endless help.... and advise... next time I or anyone else wants an idiot to tell them that there shit and know nothing i'll send them your way Brother



Well-Known Member
The very nature of message boards does not allow us to see facial expressions or hear tone of voice, therefore it is very easy to misinterpret just about everything. I've been accused of posting angrily due to my avatar in the past, people see a pissed off grizzly bear and assume that is my nature...when it only represents me being a Chicago Bear fan. I would imagine if Brick Top were sitting in front of you having a normal dialogue as opposed to the bullshit internet, you would find that he isn't as condescending in person. I have a sales back round as well, although mine was in the construction supply industry. I also have 2 years of horticultural training both in classroom and obviously lab times outdoors. Do these things give me an advantage over 95% of other posters here?...damn right they do. So, if you cannot handle someone being a little condescending on the internet, then I don't know what to tell you. Quite frankly, many of you are lucky we are trying to help you at all with your piss poor attitudes.
yeah your right my friend .... i'm lucky to have you and and all the other growers advise and experience.... and it does make the difference, shame that some people have to be condescending, and rude in the first instance...

i am aware of how the internet works..... and i'm very much aware that people like bricktop and yourself have your opinions and i have mine...

Brick Top

New Member
grow some?... thats coming from the big mouth that aint got the minerals to say sorry for causing offence to cfl growers.... and new growers in general
I was packing a pair large enough to need a couple dump trucks to haul them around in when you were likely still swimming around in some guys ball-sack.

If you think what I said about fluorescent lighting was offensive you will have a long difficult life ahead of you because that was absolutely nothing for anyone to be offended over.

So stop MANstruating or going through MANopause so you won't be so hyper sensitive over nothing.


Well-Known Member
I was packing a pair large enough to need a couple dump trucks to haul them around in when you were likely still swimming around in some guys ball-sack.

If you think what I said about fluorescent lighting was offensive you will have a long difficult life ahead of you because that was absolutely nothing for anyone to be offended over.

So stop MANstruating or going through MANopause so you won't be so hyper sensitive over nothing.
yeah your right Brick ..... it was me being over sensitive, and i'm truly sorry for calling your advise of throw your shit in the trash into question ..... and yes i think i may need to man up just like you say....

i have found this thread a wealth of good information and i am glad we have learned so much about you, and i for one feel much richer in myself for digesting your tales and i think i could live two lives and still be in the shadow of your experience and personality

again.... my bad


Well-Known Member
I'm ending this thread now, the OP has gotten their needed information. Opinions were given, banter ensued and no one was the worse for it.

Information is much needed elsewhere and unless anything pertinent has been left unsaid I believe this thread is done.


Well-Known Member
I'm ending this thread now, the OP has gotten their needed information. Opinions were given, banter ensued and no one was the worse for it.

Information is much needed elsewhere and unless anything pertinent has been left unsaid I believe this thread is done.
Heh, heh, heh..... who the phuck are you?

According to BT, you don't have enough posts to know anything.
I have over twice as many posts as you, so again, according to BT, I'm twice as smart as you and you HAVE to do what ever I say.


Well-Known Member
i'm the silly one.... i have little or no experience..... and i care about feelings of others, i have so much to learn


Well-Known Member
Why is this idiot spamming a cfl grower with so much hate?
because that's all he has in his heart.
Brick Top was actually banned from these forums by the original administrator FDDK, when he stepped down the new one let him back in.
To all you guys that stood up to him, good on you ! I wanted to also but I made a promise to myself that my 6000th post would be my last here but for some reason today I was back down to only 5999 so I can chime in on this one. (EDIT: ah I see, a thread I posted in has been deleted for some reason)
Brick Top is an exstremly unstable individual, he tends to attract the father hungry dysfunctionals as his entourage.
Here's what he really thinks about the rest of us here:
to the original poster: your light would work but you have the wrong spectrum bulbs (cool white) (tubes actually) so you are going to get very poor results from it.
You need Daylight AKA 6500 K

EDIT (FOR SUNBIZ) love is blind, you clearly have a man crush on the grizzled old fool and can only see what you want to see. Bricktop will just use you and then toss you aside like a piece of used asswipe when he's done with you. (And was it really necessary to include the picture in your reply ?)


Well-Known Member
because that's all he has in his heart.
Brick Top was actually banned from these forums by the original administrator FDDK, when he stepped down the new one let him back in.
To all you guys that stood up to him, good on you ! I wanted to also but I made a promise to myself that my 6000th post would be my last here but for some reason today I was back down to only 5999 so I can chime in on this one.
Brick Top is an exstremly unstable individual, he tends to attract the father hungry dysfunctionals as his entourage.

to the original poster: your light would work but you have the wrong spectrum bulbs (cool white) (tubes actually) so you are going to get very poor results from it.
You need Daylight AKA 6500 K
Since you brought it up, what is the problem with BT here?. I just scanned his last 5 pages of postings and see stability. In fact, the only instability I see are the ones trolling/impersonating.


Well-Known Member
lol this thread again ><
Originally Posted by matthebrute
i would purchase some more bulb ........ i am also sick and tired of hearing people scream HID the second they see someone growing with flouro's and dont want to offer any advice on what that person already has to work with.
Where you are wrong is that advice is given. To not spend more money and get deeper into CFL/fluorescent use, to cut your loses as quickly as you can and get rid of the Rube Goldberg kiddiewinkie home light fixture bulbs being used.
Where you are wrong is that advice is given. To not spend more money and get deeper into CFL/fluorescent use, to cut your loses as quickly as you can and get rid of the Rube Goldberg kiddiewinkie home light fixture bulbs being used.
how is my advice wrong? if he plans on using that hood i think its dam good advice. a couple of tubes for that hood is far less money than a HID light that you preach.

and yeah this isnt the first thread i have seen Brick be a dick to beginner growers so i myself hold no respect for the man.

Serious lack of respect for the old timers on here, no wonder they all left to be honest.
in my honest opinion respecet is earned not given because your an old wrinkly fuck. even the dumbest people in the world get old so in my opinion that isnt a good cause to respect someone especially when they have no respect for anyone themselvs..........:dunce:


Well-Known Member
because that's all he has in his heart.
Brick Top was actually banned from these forums by the original administrator FDDK, when he stepped down the new one let him back in.
To all you guys that stood up to him, good on you ! I wanted to also but I made a promise to myself that my 6000th post would be my last here but for some reason today I was back down to only 5999 so I can chime in on this one. (EDIT: ah I see, a thread I posted in has been deleted for some reason)
Brick Top is an exstremly unstable individual, he tends to attract the father hungry dysfunctionals as his entourage.

to the original poster: your light would work but you have the wrong spectrum bulbs (cool white) (tubes actually) so you are going to get very poor results from it.
You need Daylight AKA 6500 K

EDIT (FOR SUNBIZ) love is blind, you clearly have a man crush on the grizzled old fool and can only see what you want to see. Bricktop will just use you and then toss you aside like a piece of used asswipe when he's done with you. (And was it really necessary to include the picture in your reply ?)
just confirmed what i was thinking ..... wondered what his angle was....

thanks frmrboi


Well-Known Member
Personally, judging by his behavior I think he has a serious drinking problem.

There's days that he posts some of the most respectful, best written, easiest to understand, accurate responses you'll ever read.
Then there's the days he responds like on this thread.

Most of the time I just ignore him, but for some reason this time I couldn't.