Companion planting?


Well-Known Member
So, I know stinging nettle has had some success as a companion plant to marijuana. What about other plants? Has anyone tried mint or anything like that?

I know that mint as a companion grow for other herbs tends to add a mint taste to the herb, so you have to be careful with it in your garden. I can't say I've ever herd of mint pot, but that sounds pretty nice, if you ask me! Plus mint is probably potent enough to mask the odor pretty nicely...

Anything we should avoid as a companion to pot?

Any other ideas or experiences?


Well-Known Member

Are you serious? No one in the Advanced Forum has any input on this? Wow. I'm definitely doing my next grow with some companions then...

I am starting to get a touch unimpressed here. :P

Anyone have even some thoughts/speculation?

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Well, it could do any of these. I am thinking both in this case. I actually somehow doubt that mint would actually flavor the cannabis all that much. But it does tend to overzealous-ly crossbreed. You can do all kinds of crossbreeding with mint, and it often takes place unintended when mint is companion planted. Additionally, mint is known to add flavor to companion herbs in the garden.

Companion plants in gardens can do a variety of things. Many of the effects of planting various species of plants alongside each other are not entirely known or understood. I guess I'm trying to stir the pot of innovation, so to speak.

Anything anyone might be able to suggest, and why they think it might be a good idea?

Any hypotheses for the mint companion to cannabis?


Well-Known Member
So, I know stinging nettle has had some success as a companion plant to marijuana. What about other plants? Has anyone tried mint or anything like that?

I know that mint as a companion grow for other herbs tends to add a mint taste to the herb, so you have to be careful with it in your garden. I can't say I've ever herd of mint pot, but that sounds pretty nice, if you ask me! Plus mint is probably potent enough to mask the odor pretty nicely...

Anything we should avoid as a companion to pot?

Any other ideas or experiences?
AHHHH. nettles are torture. but a great security idea. just look for the guy with the nettle scars.


Well-Known Member
I love mint, I think a minty Bong load might be refreshing.
if the flavor were imparted...I got nuthin' I'm baked.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Well, it could do any of these. I am thinking both in this case. I actually somehow doubt that mint would actually flavor the cannabis all that much. But it does tend to overzealous-ly crossbreed. You can do all kinds of crossbreeding with mint, and it often takes place unintended when mint is companion planted. Additionally, mint is known to add flavor to companion herbs in the garden.

Companion plants in gardens can do a variety of things. Many of the effects of planting various species of plants alongside each other are not entirely known or understood. I guess I'm trying to stir the pot of innovation, so to speak.

Anything anyone might be able to suggest, and why they think it might be a good idea?

Any hypotheses for the mint companion to cannabis?
That was exactly the point I was gonna make... lol

Mint can really take over, but if you were planting outside; well it's a good idea indeed. For blending you plants into the scenery, that it. It may not add much/any flavor, but it will definately make the weed smell like mint. LOL... menthol joints - some Newport smoker's dream come true!!!

Ahh Newports, I used to be a smoker and that was my brand... :roll:

I love lavendar, it takes over everything in the garden too. Wonder what lavendar scented pot would be like. The dried lavendar sack and fresh cutting by my bed, put me right to sleep. Think the pot would have the same effect? Just a thought...

In the case of most herbs, I'd imagine you wouldn't want the flavor to carry over to the weed.

Great discussion thread, I'm gonna think on it some more and I can't wait to see who weighs in on this one...



Well-Known Member
That was exactly the point I was gonna make... lol

Mint can really take over, but if you were planting outside; well it's a good idea indeed. For blending you plants into the scenery, that it. It may not add much/any flavor, but it will definately make the weed smell like mint. LOL... menthol joints - some Newport smoker's dream come true!!!

Ahh Newports, I used to be a smoker and that was my brand... :roll:

I love lavendar, it takes over everything in the garden too. Wonder what lavendar scented pot would be like. The dried lavendar sack and fresh cutting by my bed, put me right to sleep. Think the pot would have the same effect? Just a thought...

In the case of most herbs, I'd imagine you wouldn't want the flavor to carry over to the weed.

Great discussion thread, I'm gonna think on it some more and I can't wait to see who weighs in on this one...

i have had something that was claimed to be lavender cross bred with purp k. smelled, looked, and tasted true enough. is that possible?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's absolutely possible. Though I have to wonder how that would actually turn out potency-wise. Would the plant still produce as many trichomes? Is that a dominant or recessive trait? How much experimentation has been done with trying to produce a new species of cannabis? ...ok, so perhaps that's more of a breeding question than a companion planting one...

Bringing this back on track, I know that mentha-something-or-other is used in the synthesis of THC, would that have anything to do with Mentha L.? Does the possibility exist that companion planting mint could help augment the chemical composition of cannabis similar to the manner in which the stinging nettle does?

Would mint be more fragrant than cannabis?


Well-Known Member
And companion planting Lavender would be pretty cool, too. Though I have to wonder how that would smell... Actually, it would probably smell orgasmic.

Hrm... I always wanted a garden that might attract birds. ;)

Ponders... lavender weed. mint weed. I'm loving this. I might have to make a MJ Mojito. Oh god. that sounds like a sip of heaven...

/me drifts off into a dream...

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that no matter what it is co-planted with, it would still create plenty of trichomes, cause that is a dominate trait in marijuana. But how does stinging nettle change its co-plant? I not familiar with that.

Definately, the mint would over smell the weed - or get close to rendering the smell unreckonizible??? I'm high and just talking off the top of my head... lol

And oh yeah, just like you, the thought of all this sounds so delicious...



Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that no matter what it is co-planted with, it would still create plenty of trichomes, cause that is a dominate trait in marijuana. But how does stinging nettle change its co-plant? I not familiar with that.

Definately, the mint would over smell the weed - or get close to rendering the smell unreckonizible??? I'm high and just talking off the top of my head... lol

And oh yeah, just like you, the thought of all this sounds so delicious...

so how do we get this started i want my watermelon pot...:joint:


There's treachery afoot
On an indoor note.....
I grow pineapple, curly, orange and chocolate mint as well as lavender in my grow cabinet to reduce the overall smell of my plants. When the lights kick on, the mint heats up a bit and is quite strong smelling when the doors are opened. Gives my basement a minty fresh smell as well.


Well-Known Member
On an indoor note.....
I grow pineapple, curly, orange and chocolate mint as well as lavender in my grow cabinet to reduce the overall smell of my plants. When the lights kick on, the mint heats up a bit and is quite strong smelling when the doors are opened. Gives my basement a minty fresh smell as well.
wait quick question.
how do you grow pineapple?
indoors =]