Compassion clubs?


Well-Known Member
Not really sure what to do with overages.
I`m not gonna give them to someone to make cash from and I want to be sure the people who get it are
real deal in need. Is there any place you would trust near Vancouver Washington?


Well-Known Member
I know a bunch of people who would like free pot.
The other patients I know also grow.
It`s not like there will ever be a ton but I want to see it go where it will help someone do more than get to the next level on x-box


Well-Known Member
I just figured there would be a system in place.
The more I think about it the weirder it sounds, lol


Active Member
Ok good question, and this is where networking played a key role when I was growing for myself and my old lady. I have known a few people in past years that I have worked closely with in the medical community. Their main purpose being to trade for breeds of cannabis that fit particular needs, that I wasn't growing. Because when I grow medical cannabis I really prefer to grow one strain per grow area and focus on it. Learn to speak it's language so to speak. Oh and trading for clones plus before RIU it was how I got a lot of my knowledge. Alas I digress getting off point.

There is no "low income" cannabis system in place although that would be interesting to see. But through your network even though the other patients you know also grow there has to be several patients who know other patients who are down on their luck in this economy. It's a trust factor thing the people I worked with I trusted absolutely and I trusted their judgement, and if they say patient could use a little help if ya got spare then I trusted their word. But thats my former network, sad to say haven't been able to grow for years. Long story...

Now if your network is truly dry, might I suggest at the next medical convention you bring some spare meds and just hand it off to whomever appeals to ya? You meet a patient with Cerebral Palsy and no caregiver well... xbox or not thats kind of a shoe in. (And anyone out there with C.P. growing their own meds without a caregiver thumbs up to ya guys because ya got more patience and stick to ativity then I might it the same situation.)

I and a I bet a few others here on RIU know patients in that area that could use it, but this is not a classifieds section and there are explicit rules about meetings anyway (just in case anyone PM'ed ya asking...) But it does bring me to my final point. There are classified's out there just for medical patients, off the top of my head there is a very good forum but it's a hassle to get in because all registrant's must be verified patient to even view the board. I can't remember I'd have to check my archive to be sure of the name, otherwise I'd link it right now. And I believe THC finder have classifieds both of which I am sure could lead you to someone who could honestly use the meds instead of using it as a front for sales. I don't advice craigslist though, and whatever method you consider always practice safe meeting principles. Public place not a funny time of day bring a friend that sort of thing. I know meeting new people is always dangerous, but nothing ventured nothing gained, and it's a question of personal principal.

Oh and just a quick note SCREW 99% of dispensaries they are taxing to hell, I know there are expenses such as brick and mortar that really add up but most of these people are not in it for the most ethical reasons... Hard to find one that isn't just profiteering off the bad fortune or incapabilities of others.

Thanks for the thought by the way, wish more folks were thinking of people who could honestly use the meds instead of thinking "who can I move this to for a quick buck?". It brightens my spirits and lowers my cynicism to see at least one person who feels the same way I do. Good luck, and happy holidays :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. After thinking about it my wife is a nurse so she could help me find someone in need, now I just need to work out the legality of it. I guess just find one person and become their care provider and not charge them for the overage. That would help us both really. I guess I just needed to talk it out.


Active Member
If you are not currently a care provider for another patient then yes that works. But as I understand it unless you operate a quote "collective garden" you can only legally be a caregiver for one patient. To my understanding it is not illegal for one patient to donate cannabis to another patient WITHOUT being their caregiver. And in fact you could charge for the cost of nutrients and operating fee's but if you tax then in turn you may get audited. For example dispensaries can get away with charging so much because they have overhead of brick and mortar, employee's and the supply of med's itself. (That they have little accountability on the receipt of so they can claim they pay 5 grand a pound when they usually pay 3 grand for example. But enough about that, getting off tangent.) But if you are just handing off overages to someone in need free of charge as long as you verify via confirmation with the doctors office (can be done online with many clinics via a smartphone.) and viewing the "tamper proof" sheet one get's when they are qualified as long as it all matches up and you aren't charging anything at all... well I don't see a need for caregiver status except to help one sleep better. As by doing those thing you have to my understanding freed yourself from liability. (On a state level not federal of course.) But I could be wrong, I need to brush up on the details. If you would like to get down to the nitty gritty of it get on they have a legal library available that should have the exact information necessary if google doesn't help. Or go to the downtown library and ask a librarian to help you wade through the sections of law in question off top of my head start review with section I think RCW 69.51A I THINK I don't have any paperwork handy at this residence it's in my medical file and I am too tired to review it for which codes to start with when clarifying the law. But if memory serves RCW 69.51A search should lead ya on the right road to all the information you could want. Plus the department of health can be helpful if you word everything properly and stay professional, they may not offer advice though from a legal standpoint anymore. If they do not many MMJ attorneys offer a free consult or half hour appointment and you could bring up the situation in question and they could guide you to the T on what you will need to review. In fact I need to review MMJ attorneys in Clark County, whenever I do operate a grow I have not necessarily had one on retainer (too damn expensive) but I have been registered with an attorney and kept their card in my wallet and on my speed dial.... just in case. I always have followed the laws, but carrying a business card does no harm versus the potential benefit. (And thinks again for posting that link the other day to the washington legislature page, although it didn't cover some topics in question very thoroughly. Washington has always had a grey area though, that get's mucky. That's how dispensaries can operate... in that little grey area.)

Second one thing does come to mind, as a nurse your wife is in the perfect position to come in contact with qualified individuals that are incapable of growing their own that may be paying the ridiculous rates dispensaries charge. And in that position she is capable of viewing their qualification versus chance of squander ratio. Enough time working with people in a career and you just get a sense of knowing who is genuine and who isn't. But there is the issue of confidentiality and what not and I would hate to see her violate a work clause about personal relations with patrons. But that usually is only a stipulation at the larger places, with a lot of nursing positions a certain amount of personal relationship is in-avoidable. Especially long term care. For example if she works as a long term care provider for the elderly I truly doubt they will have a personal relationship clause. But if she works as RN instead of a CNA then period I have no idea, it will vary. Now if she is a cna or rna (am I getting my abbreviations right?) at a small place, pretty much anything non-corporate then I doubt there would be a personal relations clause. Now if she works at a corporate type setup, like a care or rehab facility that has mutiple branches there is likely a personal relations clause. But most of this is coming off memory so please verify, should be easy. And if I got anything wrong especially with the variations of nursing qualifications I do apologize I am tired and as I said working off memory and rather rusty. Plus with HIPA and all that it get's... confusing.

No matter what karma for you dude when a spirit of goodwill is extended to others in can be more easily seen in ones own life. The christian bible says "you reap what you sow" and in fact if you sow disparagement and anguish it is easier to become jaded and suspicious within ones own life. But if you spread goodwill and peace it becomes more obvious when it happens all around you every day where you may have once been oblivious. I may have the name "hippysmoke" but I honestly am a rather logical individual, if you would like to research it there is a psychological correlation with your intent toward the world and others and ones perception of the world around them. By honestly considering this and by hopefully doing it you are not only enriching the quality of life for someone else. (And hopefully lowering their dependence on opiates... damn you mind numbing opiates...) You have began to seriously enrich your own life. Have you experienced or heard of someone getting a warm feeling when they give to a charity or donate their time? And perhaps even new appreciations they have for things they took for granted not long ago? That is an effect of perception via the very concept I have outlined. There are many perspectives that adhere to this concept, "you get what you are looking for if you look too hard" for example. Or another classic "always looking at the clouds silver lining for every situation" is another one that kinda fits what I am attempting to communicate as far as one can communicate conceptual constructs at least.

Well there I go a blathering again, my old lady has been at her sisters for the last few weeks because I can't legally drive and she needed to be closer to a hospital and a car than our home. (I can't drove don't own a car, have my license but can't drive same with my old lady. And it's pre I-502, can't drive due to other issues besides active thc's.) But she'll be home soon and I have a feeling she'll more than make up for my lack of conversation as of late as it's just been our dog and I around here... well for a while. And I guess the lack of talking to someone is getting to me, been posting a lot of longer things lately. Of course perhaps it is just because I am detailed and prone to reiteration. That or increased energy, lack of sleep and need for prolonged expression is a side effect of a manic state. Hrm... bipolar disorder is fascinating but I wish I could observe it as a third party...

But anyways as I said good karma to you brother and thanks for letting me yabber it's a bit therapeutic to allow my brain to work on a concept instead of just going where it goes some days. Hope to seeya around the forum. :) And if you have any questions feel free to PM me, sometimes I am gone from the forum for weeks at a time my life has been hectic last couple of years but I'll always get back to ya eventually. And if I ain't doin' anything probably pretty quick like, but I warn ya now I am rusty on a lot of the law as I said last two years have been fun and the last thing I could consider seriously is operating a grow, that follows my specifications of medical grade. But I have a decent memory and relative understanding of "legalese" when I need to review something.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. I understand about solitude being a double edged sword. I live in the woods and have a disabled uncle that lives in home so I really spend a lot of my time on-line. After years of that and being socially challenged to begin with sometimes you need to vent.I used to raise parrots and they have an innate need to sound off in the am and in the pm. If they are not allowed to socialize and make that noise it messes with them. Even a dog needs to bark it out once in a while. lol
See i`m weird too.
But I had not considered the hippo law for my wife but she is up on that and reels me back in when i get off track so no worries there. And trust me I`m not a saint but I spent my first 40 years
spinning in several small circles and as a result came into contact
with the concept of helping others as a way to help yourself. It is hard to feel negative while doing something positive for someone who is struggling. This is one of those things it would be easy to think about and not do. The plan is to do it as best as I can and forget about it. That is the other rewarding part, not blowing your own horn afterward. Hard for me as a horn blower.

I have in contact with some very sick minds and I really can not
overstate the importance of being of service as a way out.
Another thing I struggle with is grand gestures. I want to take everything to the extreme and open a building bla, bla, bla
Those things very seldom happen for people who have dug a hole as I have. Not only that but grand gestures often require a lot of people time. Know yourself and what you can handle and try to push that without overwhelming yourself. Then when you do overwhelm yourself hopefully you are already obligated to be doing something for someone else so you really won`t have time to sweat your trivial emotional hangover. Anyway, I think we are on the same page.