Completed the construction of the new growth room and upgraded from the tent!


Active Member
From now on just add water, mpk, kcl and k2so4, I use 0.8g MPK, 0.4g KCl, 0.5g K2SO4, the above is the amount of water used per gallon.


Active Member
I will return to my own country to deal with some personal thing one and a half month later , so I will temporarily leave to grow for a while. Recently, I helped my friend build his growth room. When the growth room construction is completed, We will do the lighting test side by side. DE HPS 1000W, 660W and 330W bar lights, and this light 940W made by myself. The bar lights are produced by my good friend company. I will post another thread to record


Active Member
As a temporary last growth, I was lazy and didn't do plant support, so the surface height was very poor. Despite this, I still think that the yield should be more than 4 pounds. On average, a plant is one pound.



Active Member
Update, harvested today, just some pictures. I dry a plant alone to see how heavy it is in the end.The last four photos are of the plant that is drying alone.



Active Member
It has not been updated, and the final weight was 5 pounds 1 ounce, which was beyond my expectation. I am making my friend’s growth room. The photo is just the remaining weight after measuring four pounds in whole numbers.

