Compost pile of my own shit, use as fertalizer?


btw i will be using a shit and miracle grow potting soil mixture and will start a grow journal with weekly updates, its gonna be inside under two 250W HPS's i have 14 seedlings, hopefully atleast 7 are females, i will also show a pic/vid of my shit pile, a pic of me by it, (im not 15) nakid in my yard, ill blur out my dick, ill be smoking a cig and show my badass steamroller and bong, im thinking about making these video's with weekly video updates. peace
this will be really interesting thread

EPIC THREAD, must be sticky :D lxahxhaxah LMAO


Well-Known Member
Well first off you can get a bag of compost 1.5 cuft with no mulch or wood chips in it (just hints at a diluted compost) and a bottle of black trap molasses from the grocery.
cost so far, maybe 13 bucks if you get a really nice bag of compost. :-) mmmmm compost
Put it in a container at 1 cup of compost and 1 tblsp of bs molasses per gallon and mix it really well. Let it brew with an air pump for 48hrs and your golden. Though this will not fix an inproperly mixed soil that doesn't breath right or is inbalanced in any way.

Worm castings are gold too.


Well first off you can get a bag of compost 1.5 cuft with no mulch or wood chips in it (just hints at a diluted compost) and a bottle of black trap molasses from the grocery.
cost so far, maybe 13 bucks if you get a really nice bag of compost. :-) mmmmm compost
this is what i made today for free:bigjoint:!!


Well-Known Member
ok common sense, plant eat pure nutes herbivores eat plants we eat herbivores, al long the way nutes get lost, thats why dogs cats people, do not need to be on the compost list, i highly doubt we have enough npk to out weigh the moral and bio hazardous wrong of this question, and man btw i have no problems with the way you liv and if someone was getting on me for something i like to do ad be pissed off man, so all i got to say is ... at least build a hole like they do here lolz, cuz you keep that shit up u will find your self strapped to a hospital bed with anti psychotics being pumped through you cuz neighbor hood kid saw you drop a big one at the fence


i can see him in the future, in 5 years he willl be in psyhospital. Squatting on the radiator and shitting on the floor, because of the divine smell....