Computer PC Case Grow Box Testing #2


Well-Known Member
now that is what i call a serious pc grow. excellent job man, im hoping i can get mine filled like that. how do they smell?


please keep us posted, this is utterly amazing...I just started a pc grow ...and Everyone is telling me I am crazy...but wow your two threads have been such a massive confidence boost man...

I am blown away just wal mart soil and miracle grow.

I am using some special soil mix which is intended for this purpose and nutes from fox farm and I wonder what will happen


Well-Known Member
lol love it man, dam great read and love the traing. Would be sweet once there ready dieing to see what ya get outta it yeild wise as well. This would be a sweet safe way to grow at uni :)


Well-Known Member
this is just amazing, Great job, im exited to see your harvest on this one. ive got a few going in a little grow box that im putting in a pc case and flowering, hope myne turn out like this.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I'll post new pictures soon, didn't had the opportunity lately, it's getting close to the end! ;) THanks for all your messages!


I've read both of your grow journals, and all I have to say is: WOW.
It really inspired me.Before this I could not believe growing in a PC case was possible, but now I do, and I'm seriously thinking of giving it a try.I already have two outdoor grows, but some recent facts killed my hopes about them(some nosy bastards).

The only problem to me is setting all those wires up, but I'll try to figure it out!

A few questions about the smell: do the carbon filters completely eliminate it?Do you also use a filter on the intake fan?

Thanks and keep growing
1st kudos!, excellent thread, excellent detail and patience. Thanks for being our collective guinea pig!

Can you detail anything more about the power setup you have in the back of the case? anything---diagram, source for parts, any spec on that piece of it would be great. Rather not re-invent the wheel if I can help it!

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
14 dry's my biggest single plant in a case. I had another plant same time, same box, that got 7, dry. It's amazing how big things can come in small packages..

That plant in my sig was 4g, tho.. :)


Active Member
thats sick man i love it :clap: i myself have a pc case going. i hate how people say u wont get shit out of a pc case.. and its sad cuz like 90% have never done it. well this is proof its possible.

heres mine if ur interested
Couldnt agree more congrats on this epic grow tbh, this set my mind on starting mine. really want to make my case similiar to yours any hekp appreciated man


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I'm back.... but I'm here to sell that case... I haven't used it since this grow and I have to sell it cause I can't use it in the next year or more so I want someone to use it. I'm asking 120$ for it.... make an offer.
