Leaf." I'd vote for the NDP or the Greens over the lying liberals any day "....so you don't know who you would vote for. Splitting the opposition vote is a good way to allow the Cons back in.
" Why everyone gives them a pass is beyond me. I guess voters have no memory."...I don't give anyone a pass, what memory failure are you talking about?
"lying liberals"...help me out here with some examples.
"Other than weed, the Liberals are just Harper-lite. They want Canada off bombing other countries and they support Keystone XL"...true that the Liberals support Keystone, but I would like to see why you think the Liberals want Canada off bombing other countries, I don't have that impression.
I voted Green the last election despite some serious flaws with May's leadership. I would like to vote Green again, but I don't feel we can "waste" any votes this time around. I'm voting Liberal, the lesser of the two evils.
Thanks Sandy for responding.
That's almost like begging for sex