Considering Cali


Well-Known Member
Ive always been a go getter and I like new opportunities and experiences. I moved from the northeast to FL after I turned 18 and ive been living here rather productively for the last 5 years. The last year or two ive wanted a change and aside from FL where im at, California is my only place of interest.

I know its a big state and from what I hear things are very different depending on where your at. Maybe some of you guys could help me out figuring out what im getting into. I know theres a bunch of Cali residents on here and any help or info would be great

Some of the things that have importance to me
* ill be moving on a limited budget prob around 4-5k if its possible. I def need to move somewhere that I can get a job. Preferably restaurant/Bar work or maybe an amusement park

*Relatively affrordable living. How much could one expect to pay for an apt and monthly utilities.

* Im still young so I want to beable to have a good time and not end up somewhere lame. Things have to be going on, beach, clubs/bars or a general nightlife

*Nice weather. I didn move a 1000+ miles south to be cold...

* I have a motorcycle and would like to beable to ride it, with that said id also like it not to get stolen. I lived in the ghetto up north...fuck that

* MMJ laws. While this is only part of the draw its def gotta have. I was hooked up to a brain scanner and diagnosed with pretty bad adhd, if you can name it ive been prescribed it. I hate what these medicines do to me. With that said will and where can I qualify?

* The people have to be real and down to earth. Thats the biggest reason Im leaving florida

Let me know what you all think.. ive been looking at the huntington beach/ costa mesa area but Im open to anything



Ursus marijanus
The things you want (hip service job, access to nightlife, location within easy reach of the coast) and the things you need (to be able to afford it) are not compatible imo unless you are very lucky, a hard charger or both. It is also my experience that real/down-to-earth people are hard to locate among the throngs of shallow (sub)urbanites who seem to be the backbone of the younger demographic. Sorry to be a downer, but I suggest you visit the state and get a feel for the physical and social terrain. cn